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DeArmond (Rowe) Guitar Amplifier Model R25T Restoration
First make sure power tubes are balanced, i.e. idle currents are close.
Then check if filter caps are in spec (capacitance and ESR).
I don't recommend to unnecessarily increase filter caps because that changes amp dynamics and feel.
Increasing the first 10µ to 22µ, though, shouldn't hurt.
How much swing are you seeing at the pin8 voltage?
If it's substantial, most of the trem is working and the varistor would be suspect.
145V to 200V. It is not linear, should it be? Numbers bounce around all over and it is not linear with the rate pot, should it be?
What I am seeing now is that there are certain finite points along the rotation of the rate pot that produces a tremolo effect. Wondering about the rate pot.
Can you be more specific? If it is good sounding trem at those points, the varistor is good and you don't need to consider it.
I'm not sure. I rotate the rate pot very slowly and those "points" only happen occasionally, the point location are not consistent, and when I hit one the effect is only present for about one second and then disappears.
I tried using the footswitch and that made no difference. The footswitch jack is a "switched" jack but the gap has been set so that it is normally open = effect on. So I am testing without the footswitch connected.
Every resistor and pot in that network checks spot on. Every connection is solid. V5 voltages look close to schematic.