So we got her up and running fine. But I'd like to have line voltage switchable, without cutting or drilling the chassis. I've got some recessed slide switches, like the ones in desktop PCs, on the way for this. So I'm thinking that a round DPDT or DPST power switch in the pilot light hole would let me have my cake and eat it, too, especially the neon illuminated kind (or LED + resistor). But I haven't been able to find a switch on Mouser or Digikey that would fit the opening. Any suggestions? Anybody do anything like this before?
I'd also like to use an IEC 320 for mains, again without doing any harm to the chassis. I think the least destructive way to do this is to mount the IEC in a small aluminum enclosure and mount that to the inside of the cabinet below the upper panel. Any thoughts on this?
I'd also like to use an IEC 320 for mains, again without doing any harm to the chassis. I think the least destructive way to do this is to mount the IEC in a small aluminum enclosure and mount that to the inside of the cabinet below the upper panel. Any thoughts on this?