Hi, I purchased an Ibanez DMD2000 second-hand knowing that it had issues. Sadly for me, the main issue is that the modulation simply doesn't work:
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Modulation not working on Ibanez DMD2000
ISO mini Momentary on (on) DPDT switch for Dual Mode Kill switch
I realized a design for a dual mode killswitch/live switch and have since found these for sale online, but only with a large button.
basically a dpdt...
Rotary Encoders
Does anybody know where I can get some rotary encoders with 7, 8, and 11 positions? I have several boss multi-effect processors that use these but I can't...
Fulltone Deja Vibe 2 Wiring Diagram
Anybody have a wiring diagram or inside pictures of a Fulltone Deja Vibe 2? I'm missing the footswitch with a bunch of wire ends grouped together and am...
Exportizing my Vibro Champ - Part II: alternative switching.
So we got her up and running fine. But I'd like to have line voltage switchable, without cutting or drilling the chassis. I've got some recessed slide switches,...Last edited by Ben N; 04-23-2018, 02:18 PM.
Switchable additional winds
Hi all, first post here
I have wound a few pickups for my own basses and I was wondering about the the possibilities of adding an additional...
Rewire Loop Switch
I want to to rewire an AB-Looper so it only switches on one channel at a time and also switches the amp channel at the same time. Right now, when...
2 guitar mixer / splitter
Here's what I have in mind.
I want to build a compact mixer/switch. I could have just one knob that would be a fader to blend the mix...
Hughes Kettner Tubemeister 18 - pop sound when switching channels
I have this head, which sounds very goob btw, but I have one problem with it. When I switch channels, there is almost no pop sound (very...
Heads up: Mar$hall Valvestate pwr switch source
I got a few of these from an Ebay vendor and they are not exactly a drop in replacement, but they work fine with a couple mins of tweezing. And....they're...
Transistor series switch help
Hello fellow tinkerers. I'm a guitarist working on an overdrive circuit that will require transistor switching to shunt the signal to ground at various places....
Velocity sensing keyboard circuit modification
I found a disassembled midi controller keyboard.
I wanted to use it connecting some switches as keys but the circuit there is different from...
fet channel switching schematic
I am in need of a FET switching mod that I can install in my
2 channel amp. The current scheme is noisey and uses a footswitch with a stereo chord....
Custom Guitar Wiring. I need help!!
Hi, i have a ibanez ex and im doing it up, i have got a EMG 81 (neck) Seymour duncan lipstick (middle) and a Rockfield Fatass (neck)
for each pickup...