Alright, so using a guide from I understand how to change the blue voodoo circuit into a circuit similar to the bogner xtc. It's almost identical except with the high pass filters moved around, and also the last stage requires some trace cutting for the cathode follower, so I'm leaving that out.
Since I'm still very new at this, I'de like to tweak the mod to make it more mesa boogie markish, since I love the tone of the mark II c+'s and mark IVs.
Can anyone see an area where I can the mod a blue voodoo to make it match the mark like?
Since I'm still very new at this, I'de like to tweak the mod to make it more mesa boogie markish, since I love the tone of the mark II c+'s and mark IVs.
Can anyone see an area where I can the mod a blue voodoo to make it match the mark like?