I've tried to work out the output impedance of my amps by measuring a clean output signal voltage at open circuit, then loading the output until the voltage halves.
I kept the signal at such a level that none of the tubes should be shutting off, the reasoning being that cut off may cause inductive spikes that the open circuit secondary would exaserbate; 10Vav for the AC30 and JTM45, 5 V for the 5E3.
Both JTM45 and AC30 type amps were about 50 ohms on the 8 ohm output, 100 ohms on the 16 ohm output.
A 5E3 was about twice that (due to the lower screen voltage?, I'll try increasing it to to see if it makes any difference).
It's just that I'm concerned that the output impedance will increase at higher signal levels, when the tubes cut off for part of the wave, due to the push-pull sides no longer being effectively in parallel.
So at high signal levels, especially overdriven, the output impedance may be twice (?) as high?
I kept the signal at such a level that none of the tubes should be shutting off, the reasoning being that cut off may cause inductive spikes that the open circuit secondary would exaserbate; 10Vav for the AC30 and JTM45, 5 V for the 5E3.
Both JTM45 and AC30 type amps were about 50 ohms on the 8 ohm output, 100 ohms on the 16 ohm output.
A 5E3 was about twice that (due to the lower screen voltage?, I'll try increasing it to to see if it makes any difference).
It's just that I'm concerned that the output impedance will increase at higher signal levels, when the tubes cut off for part of the wave, due to the push-pull sides no longer being effectively in parallel.
So at high signal levels, especially overdriven, the output impedance may be twice (?) as high?