The rhythm channel of the Mesa Boogie Maverick has an interesting Bright/Fat switch shown in the attached snippet. In the Bright mode the signal going to the tone stack is fed by the anode of the first stage; in the Fat mode the signal is fed from the cathode of the second stage which is wired as the cathode follower half of the DC-coupled pair (one name for the two stages in the classic Bassman/Marshall cathode follower arrangement.)

After "jonesing" for a Maverick since the late 90's I finally got one last year when a used one reached a price point I could not refuse. Once I got it I was not as impressed as I was when I had first tried them out. So I ended up rewiring the Rhythm channel as a Lonestar (which for all intents and purpose is a tweaked Fender BF design.) After doing that and being very pleased I decided that the Lead channel which had a sound to die for was really just a one trick pony (basically the same as the Lead channel on the DC-3.) Looking at architecture of the Lead it is just begging to be rewired as an SLO. I did some preliminary drawings for that but moved on to other projects (sure sounds like OCD to me!
) The hardest thing about all of that was translating the Maverick schematic to the printed circuit board and making up layout drawings which will eventually be transferred to detailed pix of the board.
Steve Ahola
After "jonesing" for a Maverick since the late 90's I finally got one last year when a used one reached a price point I could not refuse. Once I got it I was not as impressed as I was when I had first tried them out. So I ended up rewiring the Rhythm channel as a Lonestar (which for all intents and purpose is a tweaked Fender BF design.) After doing that and being very pleased I decided that the Lead channel which had a sound to die for was really just a one trick pony (basically the same as the Lead channel on the DC-3.) Looking at architecture of the Lead it is just begging to be rewired as an SLO. I did some preliminary drawings for that but moved on to other projects (sure sounds like OCD to me!

Steve Ahola