There's been some discussion of late on this topic. I was a bit dubious about some of the things being said and what I thought seemed to be borne out by simulation. Anyway, you can't beat an actual experiment for real data so I grabbed a 4 ohm speaker from the spares and started looking.
Experiment 1 - Tap cone - No load
Shows cone resonance at 65Hz with a surprising 2Vpk signal. The speaker is acting as a generator. A very sensitive microphone!
Experiment 2 - Apply a 5V pulse to see how big an overshoot we get
The cone motion is identified by the damped 65Hz oscillation. The energy stored in the suspension is dissipated as sound and heat causing the signal to decay. But wait! Look carefully at the bottom of the screen, just between the "Ch2" and "2.00V" labels. There is a short and very big negative spike.
Experiment 3- Let's check out the spike.
2V pulse this time. The spike is hard to see as it so fast so look carefully. At over 50V or 25x the applied signal! When reflected through the output transformer x30= 1500V. This is the kind of spike that can start an arc. And that was only a 2V stimulus. The stray capacitance of of an actual OPT will reduce that quite a bit but I didn't have one to test with and in any case I wouldn't want to damage one. This spike is from the voice coil inductance, not the cone motion.
The speaker was face down on the bench so that the air is damping the cone motion so you don't see the 65Hz resonance but rather an exponential decay. This was a surprisingly big 10V due to cone motion. I'm guessing the air pressure causes the cone to return to the center quickly and the greater speed causes greater rate of change of flux and a bigger voltage out. I don't think you would ever see this much in practice. I just mention it out of interest. Still, it makes you appreciate how the cabinet can affect the results.

Experiment 4 - add a source impedance to simulate the driving amplifier
The cone resonance is now heavily damped by a 16 ohms resistor across its terminals. This is a damping factor of 0.25. Why, 16 ohms? I just had that handy.
Experiment 1 - Tap cone - No load
Shows cone resonance at 65Hz with a surprising 2Vpk signal. The speaker is acting as a generator. A very sensitive microphone!
Experiment 2 - Apply a 5V pulse to see how big an overshoot we get
The cone motion is identified by the damped 65Hz oscillation. The energy stored in the suspension is dissipated as sound and heat causing the signal to decay. But wait! Look carefully at the bottom of the screen, just between the "Ch2" and "2.00V" labels. There is a short and very big negative spike.
Experiment 3- Let's check out the spike.
2V pulse this time. The spike is hard to see as it so fast so look carefully. At over 50V or 25x the applied signal! When reflected through the output transformer x30= 1500V. This is the kind of spike that can start an arc. And that was only a 2V stimulus. The stray capacitance of of an actual OPT will reduce that quite a bit but I didn't have one to test with and in any case I wouldn't want to damage one. This spike is from the voice coil inductance, not the cone motion.
The speaker was face down on the bench so that the air is damping the cone motion so you don't see the 65Hz resonance but rather an exponential decay. This was a surprisingly big 10V due to cone motion. I'm guessing the air pressure causes the cone to return to the center quickly and the greater speed causes greater rate of change of flux and a bigger voltage out. I don't think you would ever see this much in practice. I just mention it out of interest. Still, it makes you appreciate how the cabinet can affect the results.
Experiment 4 - add a source impedance to simulate the driving amplifier
The cone resonance is now heavily damped by a 16 ohms resistor across its terminals. This is a damping factor of 0.25. Why, 16 ohms? I just had that handy.