Originally posted by mikepukmel
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If the tube rectifier does pop, do they usually go short or open? Or no way to tell?
2) Bias current running a bit high @ 30-40 mA on the pair of tough old RCA 6V6GA in the power department. Bias voltage around 32V. Discarded the white Mallory bias filter, installed a new 100 uF cap, bias rose to 37V and bias current dropped to a much more comfortable 22 mA on one, 30 on the other 6V6. I found a good match to the cooler 6V6 in my stash of pulls, also a nice old RCA, dialed bias down a tad to 19 mA, plenty enough to be out of crossover distortion territory. So far, so good.
3) One - original - filter cap was leaking, had a popped blister in its seal. Can we trust 43 year old filter caps. Hm, not so much. So I installed a fresh batch, warmed up the amp, worked fine. Then I let it sit there, idling but with no output tubes, for a while whilst I hit the kitchen, got a bite of lunch, checked email. Half an hour later, back to the amp. It was off, fuse blown.
now 4) What's left? The rectifier tube was a Ruby 5AR4C, I probably installed that 20 years ago. Swapped in a fresh Ruby 5AR4C, no more fuse poppin'. Let's see if this lasts another 20 years. The owner of the amp and I will be 85 years old then... what a couple of geezers. Let's see if he complains about it then! "Y'know I only got 20 years out of that last rectifier you installed. I wish you would stop selling me that made in China garbage! Now pass me that bottle of Geritol..."
This Deluxe as they all do, is a "hot switch" circuit. 20 years life out of any rectifier in constant use is pretty respectable. Sometimes I see venerable and highly praised Amperex Bungle Boys and Mullard, also Telefunken, RCA, Sylvania, GE and even Matsushita 5AR4/GZ34 rectifiers still plugging away, working just fine thanks very much, in service 40 or 50 years in spite of being in "hot switch" amps. Could we get more life out of them? How long ya gonna live - let's find out! The old tough ones still can't be beat. (None of my customers want to pay the going rate for them though.) The current champ, Ruby, not at all bad. JJ, well they did ship bad batches in the early 20teens and earned themselves a black eye for that but the currently made ones seem OK - only time will tell. And Sovtek/EH/other New Sensor brands although lauded by some techs, seem to poop out quickly so I avoid 'em.