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About amp "immediacy"

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  • @Malcolm Irving
    Would your opinion change if you discovered the existing science was wrong? How would you discover it was if you didn't entertain the possibility of its falsity first?

    @Mike Sulzer
    How do you know the noise isn't the sound of oxidation or some piezo effect from changes in atmospheric pressure, maybe even a combination of both but you are ready to accept a premise that an authority you trusted told you without further examination. This isn't always a bad thing, it saves time on what seems trivial and inconsequential but you need to recognize the potential for evil when you rely on sketchy explanations and premises based mostly on faith. I'm not saying all authorities are wrong or bad but too many people abdicate their own authority. You all have minds and the ability to process what you are presented, don't be cowed into suppressing your opinion.

    That was quite a breakdown, I'm honored that you made the effort but the only ad-hominems came from those equating replies to my evocative questions as wrestling with a pig.


    • Originally posted by yldouright View Post
      @Mike Sulzer
      How do you know the noise isn't the sound of oxidation or some piezo effect from changes in atmospheric pressure, maybe even a combination of both but you are ready to accept a premise that an authority you trusted told you without further examination.
      Because the current physics explains the characteristics of the noise, that is, how it depends on various physical parameters. That is, it ties in with the existing statistical physics and E&M. The ideas you scattered about do no such thing.


      • Originally posted by Mike Sulzer
        Because the current physics explains the characteristics of the noise, that is, how it depends on various physical parameters.
        If you can't be honest and accept this characterization as just another faith based premise that you decided to accept then you won't ever be able to recognize faults in your cognitive map when they happen. The sad part is that it has become the new normal mode of being and that's not in line with the aspirations of creation. I think I've said enough here and irritated yet more members so I'll say no more unless I'm challenged again. My apologies to @netfences for my part in the huge derail that happened here, it would have been better if it happened in the Soapbox. Where is that located now?


        • Originally posted by yldouright View Post
          I think I've said enough
          You can say that again


          • And yet again he quits without offering any proof or replicate experiments that show his hogwash in action.posturing and pontification
            soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


            • All I know is...

              I stick fork in wall outlet...

              I get shock.
              If it ain't broke I'll fix it until it is...
              I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous...


              • Thats the free electrons exiting the fork and becoming one with you.
                Bless you son, you are now enlightened.
                soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


                • Originally posted by nosaj View Post
                  Thats the free electrons exiting the fork and becoming one with you.
                  Bless you son, you are now enlightened.
                  So that's why I am now glowing.
                  If it ain't broke I'll fix it until it is...
                  I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous...


                  • Geez guys! Let him falter. He's good at it. He seems to have some degree of photographic memory and he reads a lot. So he keeps what he likes and disregards what he doesn't. His problem is that he doesn't have any real world experience. Some gauge to tell him that he can't actually know anything without factual evidence. Whatever he reads and likes becomes fact because he read it. Never mind about the clauses or opposition. Spouting off like an expert and calling me out for having "egg on my face". Then not responding when I counter his attempt to embarrass me with facts. This troll is nothing but a parrot blathering rote readings in the hope that something he regurgitates will confound the majority enough to give him an advantage but he can't even defeat the lowest tech guy on the forum (me ). Who's wearing the egg? He failed to do this at DIY Audio and he's failing here. Maybe he needs to ply his (admittedly considerable) troll skills where the demographic is more easily impressed.?. He's just another example of why you absolutely can't believe what you read anymore. At this point he's falling back on collusion and diversion. The battle is won. His shills are quiet. They only step up when they think their hero is strong. Cowards. And certainly every one of them was contacted by the king troll incarnate. They didn't stumble in here with such remarkable timing. Tell you what TROLL... Go somewhere else, get a bigger and more loyal army and come back. This forum is the oldest of it's kind and we'll be here whenever you think you have your game back together.
                    "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

                    "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

                    "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
                    You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


                    • Originally posted by galaxiex View Post
                      All I know is...
                      I stick fork in wall outlet...
                      I get shock.
                      Or when I short filter cap between thumb & pinky on same hand... SHIZZITE!!!

                      "Wow it's red! That doesn't look like the standard Marshall red. It's more like hooker lipstick/clown nose/poodle pecker red." - Chuck H. -
                      "Of course that means playing **LOUD** , best but useless solution to modern sissy snowflake players." - J.M. Fahey -
                      "All I ever managed to do with that amp was... kill small rodents within a 50 yard radius of my practice building." - Tone Meister -


                      • "accept a premise that an authority you trusted told you without further examination."

                        This guy is such an ass I can't believe it.

                        On and on and on about BS.

                        There are Nobel Prize Awards presented to people that have truly ground breaking concepts.

                        Maybe we can award him the IgNobel Prize.
                        ie: IGNORE.


                        • Originally posted by Jazz P Bass View Post
                          Maybe we can award him the IgNobel Prize.
                          I have an old friend on the IgNobel committee. Trust me, they wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. Or an 11 foot Czech. Not even as a bad Irwin Corey imitation. He entirely left out everything about left-handed double-articulated tensor cones and whamajam confrabbulation, and all the disenfranchised excommunicants that operate behind the scenes right under our very noses. Inexcusable! Why, these disheveled pipsqueaks could maladjust your flutenary valves causing derivative jellybeans to massively fluctuate, and you'd never know it.

                          Originally posted by nosaj
                          Bless you son, you are now enlightened.
                          You bet, like a thoriated tungsten filament running at 50% over rated current.
                          This isn't the future I signed up for.


                          • Well...

                            This is going nowhere good and everywhere fun...


                            What the $#!+. I type my name & the next suggested word is $#!@ing TIMBERLAKE?
                            "Wow it's red! That doesn't look like the standard Marshall red. It's more like hooker lipstick/clown nose/poodle pecker red." - Chuck H. -
                            "Of course that means playing **LOUD** , best but useless solution to modern sissy snowflake players." - J.M. Fahey -
                            "All I ever managed to do with that amp was... kill small rodents within a 50 yard radius of my practice building." - Tone Meister -


                            • His shills are quiet. They only step up when they think their hero is strong. Cowards.
                              I have the "classic" EE education and I am comfortable with how it explains most of what I see. Saying that, I still have to admit that he's right when he says we base a lot of what we know on faith. Yldouright said his piece, presented questions and examples which proved some of his allegations. Instead of provoking all out warfare like you are doing, why don't you try to setup his feedback example and see if it works like he says. Are you afraid to discover he was right? There are lots of ways to be a coward.

                              Back on topic for netfences. All the good clean SS amps I can think of have a dominant 3rd HD. Probably because of the diamond topology but the Hiraga and an amp by Greg Ball called the SKA abbreviate that topology and might give some 2nd HD. Maybe for only part of power curve but worth a look.


                              • Originally posted by yldouright
                                For the state of our understanding it suits us and we work with it the same way we do with a faulty tool. We won't know how much better off we would be unless we're willing to try something different.
                                I think this is a very salient point here. R.G. is a craftsman who knows how to make good use of the tools and prior art methods he has available to him. Yldouright is selling new sharper/faster tools which may introduce new methods that would make R.G. a much better craftsman but he may not know how to craft as well as R.G. so when R.G. says:

                                So educate me: how do your ideas change how to design circuits? Show me how to include the new reality extensions to existing theory so I get the same old - reliable - predictions for normal circumstances, the new, dramatically enhanced predictions in the situations where they apply, and what the special conditions are where the new theory applies.
                                It shouldn't surprise anyone that yldouright might not be able to answer in a way that satisfies the requirement. What he does do very well is suggest questions that highlight areas craftsmen should investigate to advance the art. I think he is absolutely correct to state our propensity to defer and accept instead of question and investigate has become hazardous for humanity. In the world there are men of vision and men of action and both should work harmoniously. It reminds of a great quote from Willy Jolly:

                                Vision without action is illusion but action without vision is confusion.

                                The adjacent tack this thread has taken has been entertaining, enlightening and somewhat thrilling but please start a thread dedicated to the topic elsewhere so I can get an amp here


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