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Fender BXR 200 dimly lights bulb tester

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  • Fender BXR 200 dimly lights bulb tester

    I am working on a mid 90's Fender BXR (Bass eXtended Range) amplifier. When I initially power on the amp it very dimly lights my dim bulb tester (100w bulb).

    Usually a solid state amp will flash bright then die down quickly as the reservoir caps charge. The amps usually end up drawing such little current that it does not appear to light the bulb. Not so with this amp. Should I be concerned?

    Enclosed is service manual. bxr_200.pdf

  • #2
    A dim bulb test should only be used for a go no go situation after a change is made. I typically only use a 40 or 60 watt bulb after a wiring change. After that i go to and isolated variac supply or a power conditioned line.
    I would not be concerned.
    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


    • #3
      Please note the BXR200 has an inrush limiter that many other amps do not have.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #4
        If you are saying that this amp idling glows more than typical amps on your bulb, check the power transistors idle current.
        Originally posted by Enzo
        I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


        • #5
          If you re going to be working on more SS ampws, you really should have a way of actually monitoring the mains cuurent.
          I use a Kill-A-Watt meter.
          Kill A Watt - Wikipedia


          • #6
            Jazz P Bass,

            Per your request. The amplifier draws 0.61 Amps (37 watts) at idle.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2139.jpg
Views:	218
Size:	805.2 KB
ID:	966165 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2140.jpg
Views:	199
Size:	829.5 KB
ID:	966166


            • #7
              The only thing that appears to get hot when the amp is idling is two small transistors (Q9 and Q10).

              Click image for larger version

Name:	BXR part schemo.jpg
Views:	111
Size:	189.3 KB
ID:	966168


              • #8
                I understood what worries you is that the amp does NOT show a curent surge after turn on.

                If so, see Enzo's comment.
                - Own Opinions Only -

