I skimmed through a tube vendors site looking for some tube accessories. There are quite a lot of different tube models. When I started to look around I see that most of the tubes are the same no matter which shop it is. I guess most of them are made in Russia or China. Some shops are reluctant so say so some others are frank about it. So this time I happened to be on a site with info that seemed to be honest. I mailed and they told me that they manufacture their tubes in China. They also told me that they're constantly trying to improve the quality etc on these tubes.
Up until quite recent I was quite anal about my gear. But I happened to ebay a reissue Hagström Viking a while back, yes folks I'm from Sweden. First I was surprised about the quality comparing it to the real deal made in Sweden. Now during the last year it has moved up the scale and is now my workhorse nr 1. Why this little story you might wonder. Well I just started to wonder if I should be more serious about Chinese and Russian tubes. Are there good tubes to be found..? Any suggestions?
Up until quite recent I was quite anal about my gear. But I happened to ebay a reissue Hagström Viking a while back, yes folks I'm from Sweden. First I was surprised about the quality comparing it to the real deal made in Sweden. Now during the last year it has moved up the scale and is now my workhorse nr 1. Why this little story you might wonder. Well I just started to wonder if I should be more serious about Chinese and Russian tubes. Are there good tubes to be found..? Any suggestions?