Just forgot to say //
demagnitizing everything , very important !!
all screwdrivers you are using on tapemachines must be demagnetized .. as the heads , the screws anything to do with magnetic tape .. how I do it ?? simple ..
a very old Engel Loter soldering iron .. take out the soldering pin and install a coil wound from several copperwire windings ( 1mm wire , thick enough to withstand the current .. not very important how many windings as long as you can feel the demagnetizing job in your screwdriver , that you insert in de coil and activate the current .. then while still actived slowly remove the tool .. you can demagnetize the heads from the recorders with it ..
find yourself a secondhand soldering iron like these , penny's or for free .. if you find it . and make your own demagnetizing tool for peanuts .

demagnitizing everything , very important !!
all screwdrivers you are using on tapemachines must be demagnetized .. as the heads , the screws anything to do with magnetic tape .. how I do it ?? simple ..
a very old Engel Loter soldering iron .. take out the soldering pin and install a coil wound from several copperwire windings ( 1mm wire , thick enough to withstand the current .. not very important how many windings as long as you can feel the demagnetizing job in your screwdriver , that you insert in de coil and activate the current .. then while still actived slowly remove the tool .. you can demagnetize the heads from the recorders with it ..
find yourself a secondhand soldering iron like these , penny's or for free .. if you find it . and make your own demagnetizing tool for peanuts .