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Klemt Echolette S...(cont.)

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  • #46
    Hi is there still life in the Echolette threads ?
    I have some funny problems with these machines , the first opne is a Dynacord Super 65 , runs beautiful after replacing the playbackhead Nr 5 with a Philipstaperecorder head but the funny part : I do make my own tapeloops from Agfa prof tape , running very good on my other machines , but on this one after half an hour running starts to sqeal like a bird in the system .. when touching the inside running tape softly with a cotton swap the squeal goes away , but comes back later .. the funny part if I puit the tape on a differfent machine , no problem .. if I make myself a new loop from an ampex 8 track tape ( that is coated in the outside with some fine slippery stuff becuase it is an endless tape ( olde 8 tracks ) so with an Ampeg 8 track loop no problem at all only more noisy and greasy after a few hours I have to clean the pinch roller .. anybody making his own loops and from what tapes ?? and why is the Agfa prof studio tape running good on my other machines and strts to squel like a bird on this Dynacord ?
    funny number 2

    A klemt S 51 bought without heads .. now fitted with Woelke 2 track heads connected only on one track , halftrack tape ... running fine except with echo signal its very very noisy , bute ven woithout the gear running >I have already lots of noise .. hiss and the like .. the tape just ads some noise .. anybody has experience in fitting other heads on these machines ??

    Cheers .. looking forward to the reply of other experimenters


    • #47

      I have replaced the heads on my two NG-51s by Grundig 500 Ohms heads,

      half 1/4" track, and no noise when working. If you have noise without echo

      working, the heads are not involved. Maybe a resistance or a condensator



      • #48
        Impossible since yesterday, to post an image...

        Here is thus the link to reach directly the photo

        Of one of my NG-51s provided with GRUNDIG heads
        Last edited by Mecaso; 05-29-2017, 06:32 AM.


        • #49
          Hello, everybody!

          Ther is an ECHOLETTE NG-51s on ebay England.

          KLEMT NG51S ECHOLETTE Valve/Tube Tape Echo/Reverb - Fully Serviced - Great Sound | eBay

          Click image for larger version

Name:	111.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	108.6 KB
ID:	845758

          The two playback heads shields are missing...!!!

          The four ECC-83 shields are missing...!!!

          In spite of these lacks, 1194,19€.

          There are sellers who doubt nothing....


          • #50
            DREAMING OF EASY MONEY !!!!

            Some people have really dreams that there are fools who are going to pay such money for an old derelict junkbox .
            fact is fools are plenty on the world , fools with lots of money are less .. and if so , they remain fools after short time without money ... :-))


            • #51
              Hello every one.

              It seems that the 1194,19 € NG51S has been sold....!!!!!!

              KLEMT NG51S ECHOLETTE Valve/Tube Tape Echo/Reverb - Fully Serviced - Great Sound | eBay

              There are people with money......


              • #52
                never believe fleabay ... in a few weeks you will find it back for sale ..


                • #53
                  I'll give you some good advice about fleabay .. don't trust the Uk , the French , the italian , the spanish sites , lots of false info , lots of junk especially from the UK ? I buy regularly and In Belgium before paying money I go and collect myself , in 20 % it's a junk case .. leave it.. go back home ! , In Germany if it's bussiness trader with all data telephone adress etc .. you can mostly trust , the USA site only PAYpal so you can block the transaction if need for ! .. there is a lot of junk that's being sold or tried to sell it .
                  I have about 5 % of the things I buy with bad problems ,wasting money , over 50 % of the second hand used gear is ready to repair .. forget all these gold fairy tales and wake up !
                  greetz, Ben


                  • #54
                    I have more than 500 purchases on eBay , and I have never had

                    any problem. If dishonest seller, refund by paypal.

                    To have no troubles, you should not buy doubtful objects....


                    • #55
                      well I take the risk sometimes , and if am lucky I have a bargain , else I have a throw away .. but the problem is that not always possible to paypal ..and that's risky ! with paypal I have had possibilities to recover a full or a part refund in case of defective items , but without Paypal .. APITA ... dishonest people sometimes .. and always remember second hand is sold for some reason and some reasons are in the description , some are not and are sometimes hidden faults .


                      • #56
                        Helo, everybody....

                        I have found one video where we can see that Beatles had an Echolette


                        Click image for larger version

Name:	.221..jpg
Views:	1
Size:	77.4 KB
ID:	853113

                        This is John LENNON, in Australia.

                        NG-51S was not a legend....

                        You can see them on:



                        • #57
                          Nothing to do with John Lennon using an Echolette probably the same one he used at the Brisbane concert which I attended.
                          Become involved with more Echolette tape echo repairs and on looking back through the archives in this forum I would suggest that if the Echolettes had been more user friendly ( easily accessible components and readily available/substitute parts) then there woudl be more on the market at affordable prices.
                          To replace components on the circuit board of the NG51S is a nightmare and definitely NOT for the home service person. Other components are just as difficult (or even more so) to replace IE the adjustment pot and capacitor for head 1, and I have seen work done on these Echolettes which have rendered these units unserviceable.
                          To effectively repair one of these units (if parts available) labour costs would be excessive, I have heard of quotes in the high hundreds Australian Dollars and would believe that two or more days could be spent to completely overhaul one of these units so even at AUD$50 per hour that figure would be quickly attained.
                          Although I believe that an Echolette Tape Echo in top condition is the epitome of tape echos I think that unless one is purchased that has been repaired (certified) by Folker from Germany I would respectfully suggest to give other advertised ones a wide berth.
                          I say the above because I have seen many that have been supposedly overhauled/reconditioned and found them to be wanting.


                          • #58
                            Echolette S NG 51 hum

                            Hi Everybody, (I am a hobby hifi and electronics fun for vintage requirements and my father played on dynacord and other delays/amps so I like them)

                            I am very happy to find this thread. So I have an NG 51 Echolette 51 s. I have worked many nights on it. Former "repair man" made some interesting things like he was drunken. Graetz bridge was totally short circuited-wired and
                            (fortunately transformer stayed in live however cooked a bit) the heating part was also bad wired. Some broken wires as well. I have ordered new tubes.
                            Interesting problem is that, also without tubes that the equipment has a big hum. I have repaired many transistor amplifiers but i am not an expert just for fun. This hum sound is very close if the power-transistor is dead in a transistor amp.

                            If I insert the tubes the hum decreases a bit if the tubes are warm. Also I can hear sound if I connect a guitar but the hum/signal ratio is very bad. If I switch on delay the hum increases. (now no tape in the unit)

                            What I tested already without tubes:

                            I have disconnected all DC high voltages. (no hum :-))
                            If the first stage of DC (A1) after R73 1K in power supply the hum is there ( A2 and A3 still disconnected)
                            If I remove C12 0,5MF cap., the hum disappears.

                            With tubes if I turn Reverb Level trimmer pot to the left (on the back next to tubes) the hum disappears but also the signal disappears as well.

                            Now I have bought 4x47MF to change power supply caps., However they are (possibly) not sort-circuited based on Voltage meter instrument about 1> megaohm .

                            So I will change caps today and see what will happen, but my fear is that this is not the rootcase. (hopefully hum decreases at least a bit)

                            Had somebody such kind of behavior? What other thing can cause (i have never experienced in transistor amps before :-) a hum without active elements in the equipment)

                            Thanks a lot (Sorry for my English... from Hungary:-))


                            • #59
                              I answer my own question :-)
                              I have replaced power supply caps. The magic of tube amplifiers happened!
                              Hum disappeared.
                              Hopefully no problem at reverb part at all. New tapes will be inserted today let see...

                              So it is worth to change these caps. Just to tell my experience and recommendation for other DIY repairers.


                              • #60
                                In future if you hear hum, bridge the filter capacitors with a 47uf/400V capacitor, this will isolate any faulty filter caps.
                                I would suggest that you replace the bridge rectifier and ALL coupling/bypass capacitors of the yellowish/light brown variety. The cathode bypass capacitors should also be replaced but you probably won't need to replace the valves/tubes.
                                If your model has the printed circuit board and you wish to proceed further with repairs/updates please get in touch as these models are a nightmare to work on.
                                Good luck

