By the way, just to clarify and eliminate confusion, the reason the amp didn't clean up much when the guitar was on 5 is i never adjusted the out level to the amp which was obviously much too hot. But it has no bearing on whether it would do this. I just didn't bother because i haven't used this DSP since probably the 80s and the interface is confusing so i left the out level where it was which was set for line level use with a PA years ago. Had the level been low enough for the amp input same result would have happened except the guitar would have gotten clean when on 5. There is a physical INPUT level knob and that WAS adjusted, i just didn't want to figure out how to adjust it in the patch.
If this makes anyone suspicious that had it been set right the phenomenon wouldn't happen i will make another video and figure out how to get the patch level output right for guitar amp input. But trust me, the result is ALWAYS going to be the same regardless. Even pedal delays that are designed only for guitar to amp input levels do it just the same, but if u must question it i'll make another video and get the levels right.
If this makes anyone suspicious that had it been set right the phenomenon wouldn't happen i will make another video and figure out how to get the patch level output right for guitar amp input. But trust me, the result is ALWAYS going to be the same regardless. Even pedal delays that are designed only for guitar to amp input levels do it just the same, but if u must question it i'll make another video and get the levels right.