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maxing out a cheap guitar

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  • maxing out a cheap guitar

    Tone quester here.

    This is my first post in this forum,and I'm new to the "game". I,ve owned a few higher priced guitars in my 32 years of playing, the most expensive being a Rickenbacker 360(my Beatles period), but my latest is for stock tone and playability, the best I've ever played. It's hard to believe, but it's
    a Kramer Focus 111s. You are probably stunned or think me a brick short, but it's the truth. That said, it does have some issues, or at least things that I wish
    to change. The guitar plays great unplugged. I'm not lying when I say that it's unplugged sound is quite acoustic and it has more volume and sustain than
    anything that I've played. However, I know that I can do much better working on it's amplified sound. I plan on a complete re-wiring, shielding, and replacement of pick-ups. I plan to use Bill Lawrence noiseless pick-ups(I have used them before), and install his Q-filter making it switchable. I've never done a complete circuit
    change like this before. The soldering is no problem, as I used to be an avionics electronic assembler. However the existing wiring is the most ungodly tangle of
    a rat's nest that I've ever seen. I really don't know how to get started with it. I'm not even sure that I could "draw up" the rat's nest without taking out the whole harness and trying to untangle it first. I haven't been able to locate a wiring diagram for this model of Kramer, or really much else in the way of specs. I know that I'm probably asking the impossible here, but any advice would be greatly apperciated. I'm afraid that I'm just goint to have to tear into it one wire at a time and do alot of resoldering. Tonequester.

  • #2
    The wiring of a guitar is mostly determined by the pickups. How many, do they have coil taps, and so on. So, Bill Lawrence should provide a wiring diagram for his new pickups and Q-Filter. You can just snip out the old wiring and throw it away, then rewire according to the instructions.
    "Enzo, I see that you replied parasitic oscillations. Is that a hypothesis? Or is that your amazing metal band I should check out?"


    • #3
      I can usually always find something to adapt from, on the Seymour Duncan wiring site.
      The 111S that came up when I did a google search was just a plain looking Strat with a pickguard.
      Maybe some variation of the 62 fender Strat?
      This may be a good place to start, then incorporate the Bill L. info into it.
      Wiring Diagram
      Wiring Diagrams - Seymour Duncan
      Good Luck,
      "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


      • #4
        tonequester here.

        Mr. Conner, Enzo hasn't got the common sense market cornered. Your advice was so simplictic that I can't believe a simpleton like me didn't think of it straight
        off. It was so simple that I wrote it down. A good practice for us bipolar folks. I just noticed that you are from Scotland. I hope all is well in the upper isle. Thanks for once again responding to my posts. Much thanks to big-tee. I will check out the site that you posted with beaucoup
        interest. You guys are the best thing since sliced bread. Til' next we post again.............................................tonequ ester.
        Last edited by tonequester; 06-07-2012, 03:21 AM.


        • #5
          tonquester here

          Does anybody out there know what a fair price for a "nut job"(change from PVC to Bone) is at a music store that does such work ? I've been quoted a price or
          $70.00 at my local shop. I'd make the attempt myself, but I don't have the files. A set from Stew-Mac is outrageous. Thanks for any input. tonequester.


          • #6
            $70 is fine.
            Juan Manuel Fahey


            • #7
              I broke down and bought the set of nut files from Stewmac and then some bone nut material. best thing I could have ever done since I started to refret necks.

              The files are well worth having since making a new nut isn't that hard. I just hate the bone nut smell when grinding the nut thinner for my strat necks.

              You could always by a premade nut to install on your guitar. Just a thought...



              • #8
                tonequester here.

                Many thanks to JM Fahey for the not price check. I really appreciate your taking time to post !
                Slobrain. Don't want to be too long winded, but........Thanks for the advice on the Stew-Mac nut files. This time I'm going to let my music shop do it for the $70.00, but Im going to pump him for how to info(he's that kinf of guy). You can't be TOO slow to do your own re-frets. That's got to be considerably more involved than a "nut job ! This Kramer Focus 111s is a cheap axe, but it sounds great even unplugged and it "fits" me like no other ever has. I've had an Epiphone Les Paul, Gibson Blueshawk, and a Rick 360 among others and I truly like this one better. Being on disability, I have lots of spare time, and I,ve tinkered, repaired, and modified quite a number of guitars and amps in my time.
                I really enjoy it. I actually may need fretwork done on it before I'm done with it. The guy at my shop is going to give me his opinion on that when he changes nuts. I don't suppose that you would have any idea what the neck radius is on a Focus ? My guy doesn't have any radius guages. I guess that he doesn't do re-frets. I may have to give you a
                "holler" if it needs, or will be needing a re-fret soon. I may have to get the necessary tools and do my first re-fret after all. Sorry to go on and on. Thanks again for posting and'
                the advice. Here's hopeing all your endeavors meet with success ! tonequester.

