Ok, i know this question will be seen as being asked by someone who doesn't know much about guitar circuitry, but let me preface it by saying i do have a lot of experience with things like this. I've done every imaginable treble bleed scenario you can probably think of for example, but this is a issue i have obly run into a few times in my life. These are the fender reissue WRHB, or "wide range humbuckers". And before you answer, note that i am well aware how crappy these sound and partially why and have modded mine as that telenator guy does by removing the bar mags and inserting A5 rods into the polepiece slots which improved them greatly. After that i found pulling 1/2 the magnets so the only ones left are the 3 under the treble strings that you see from the top and the 3 in the other coil for the bass strings. the pole holes that are only visible underneath are now empty and the pickup sounds fabulous. But in all the incarnations i've have done to it, one thing remains frustrating to me. They DO clean up with the volume knob, but VERY slowly and not as well. They barely lose gain till they get almost 1/2 way down and they clean up to the degree others do on 5 at about 2 on the volume. By then they're too weak to be usable. So it;s not just the taper. And by the way i use the same CTS 250k pots in all my guitar. Also tried 500k in this one and no joy. tried many treble bleed sceanarios and yes, i understand a TB circuit allows more gain past the volume so it will take longer to get clean in the taper, but all my other guitars have TB circuits and clean up a lot even at 7. Probably more there than the WRHB at 3 or 4.
I can't imagine any other possible solution and i'm pretty experienced and modding and wiring guitars. But thats why i came here to ask. A lot of the guys here are frigging electronic genius' in my eyes and i knew if there is a possible answer this is probably the only place i'm going to find it. have at it guys !
I can't imagine any other possible solution and i'm pretty experienced and modding and wiring guitars. But thats why i came here to ask. A lot of the guys here are frigging electronic genius' in my eyes and i knew if there is a possible answer this is probably the only place i'm going to find it. have at it guys !
