I think the cheapest way to emulate the fancy LCR meter is with a computer and a good sound card. I've been thinking about this since the last time it came up, and a sound card (or pair of cards) that can simultaneously generate and listen could work.
Basically, one uses the left and right input channels to sense pickup input and output signals, and computes the relative phase and amplitude. As the drive frequency varies, phase and amplitude will also vary, and from this one can compute the inductance and AC resistance as a function of frequency.
The details would need to be worked out, and I would imagine that not all sound cards are equally suitable. There is also the matter of writing the code that drives the soundcard or cards and does the necessary computations.
The first question is if anyone has already done this.
Basically, one uses the left and right input channels to sense pickup input and output signals, and computes the relative phase and amplitude. As the drive frequency varies, phase and amplitude will also vary, and from this one can compute the inductance and AC resistance as a function of frequency.
The details would need to be worked out, and I would imagine that not all sound cards are equally suitable. There is also the matter of writing the code that drives the soundcard or cards and does the necessary computations.
The first question is if anyone has already done this.