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P90 kit trouble

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  • P90 kit trouble

    Hi guys! need some help, I recently got myself a P90 clone pickup winding kit. Seems to be pretty sweet, if I could figure out how to put it together... some things just doesn´t make much sense to me... does somebody have a picture of a P90 assembly...? I might add a picture later (just gotta put it on some site of some sort)... and also, no wire was included, what kind of wire do you recomend for a P90? i.e. what thickness? (in metric (mm), if possible).

  • #2
    Well I was able to quickly draw this for you. I dont know if you are using soap bar or dog ear.. Here is how it lines up. Standard P-90's use about 9-11000 turns of 42 AWG single build wire. You can find metric conversions online if you look. You can imagine where the screws go with this. The baseplate goes underneath.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Originally posted by belwar View Post
      Well I was able to quickly draw this for you. I dont know if you are using soap bar or dog ear.. Here is how it lines up. Standard P-90's use about 9-11000 turns of 42 AWG single build wire. You can find metric conversions online if you look. You can imagine where the screws go with this. The baseplate goes underneath.
      There you go, giving away the fambly jools.

      "Det var helt Texas" is written Nowegian meaning "that's totally Texas." When spoken, it means "that's crazy."


      • #4
        Originally posted by salvarsan View Post
        There you go, giving away the fambly jools.

        hey when your jools are as small as mine you tend to want to exhibit them!

        hey why is it these conversations always end up talking about my jools?


        • #5
          It takes balls to show your jools!

          And what do you expect from someone who calls himself "salvarsan"?
          It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


          • #6
            Here you go:

            The problem is that the metric wire sizes available is often to far away from what we require. Most common "steps" are 0.050 mm and o.100 mm diameter wire. That corresponds to AWG 44 and 38 respectively. A 0.063 mm diameter wire is something I have never been able to find. IO buy all my wire "over there"

            BTW; were are you located?


            • #7
              Hi Peter
              one tip where you can find easily all possible sizes of magnetwire.
              Go to your local transformer builder, they have in regular nearly all sizes of wire on stock. I, myself got some restspools for cheap.

              Greetings Hermann


              • #8
                Sir 6v6,
                Here is a video I did a while ago about a rebuild on a P-90 Gibson Mandolin style pickup. I don't know if it will answer all your questions but it might help you see how the parts go together. One thing to remember that I don't think I mentioned in the video is that if you want you poles screws to have a north charge than the north poles of both magnets need to face the steel keeper. That confuses some folks.

                Ever Learning
                Clint Searcy


                • #9
                  ok, thank you for the answear! that will make things clearer.

                  I´m located in Finland btw


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sir 6v6 View Post
                    ok, thank you for the answear! that will make things clearer.

                    I´m located in Finland btw
                    Really? I'm super famous in Finland these days. Malmstrom rocks!
                    Ever Learning
                    Clint Searcy


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Clint Searcy View Post
                      Really? I'm super famous in Finland these days. Malmstrom rocks!


                      • #12
                        sir 6v6,

                        Clint is correct, both magnets need to face the keeper bar with like poles. One magnet can easily flip over during final assembly and you end up a one magnet’s north pole and the other magnet’s south pole facing the keeper. If this happens, assuming you have a good coil, the audio output will be very thin, trebly and weak. If that is the case just flip one magnet over to the correct orientation. Most Gibson P90s that I have seen have a factory south orientation on the screw head.

                        Good luck.


                        Keep Winding...Keep Playing!!!



                        • #13
                          For magnet wire of right dimentions check out

                          They ship outside Sweden. Don't think they have an english web-page thou...

                          Edit: This is their order page:
                          check out items AWG 063, AWG 042HF and AWG 042W

                          EDIT 2:
                          (I have no idea of what this means but it is their delivery policies in finnish...)
                          Minimitilauksen arvo ulkomaille (Norja, Tanska, Suomi, jne. ) on 400 SEK (45e) = tuotteiden arvo + rahti. Voit tilata yksinkertaisemmin nettikaupasta, mutta voit myös soittaa, faksata, tai toimittaa tilaus sähköpostilla GMF:lle. Muista aina merkitä myös haluamasi artikkelin numero ja tilattava määrä tilausta tehdessäsi. Näin toimintamme helpottuu ja saat tilauksesi nopeammin perille. Kaikki hinnat sisältävät lvv 25%. 1 Euro = 9 SEK. Nettikaupassa voit nähdä ostosvaunun kokonaisarvon, sisältäen kaikki maksut. Pidätämme oikeuden muuttaa hintojamme ja toimitusaikaa tuotteillemme. Toimituspäivän hinnat ovat voimassa. Suosittelemme VISA, Mastercard, sekä muita kansainvälisiä maksukortteja maksuvälineenä. Jos et halua toimittaa korttisi numeroa meille internetin kautta, voit myös soittaa, tai faksata sen meille. Toimitusaikamme on normaalisti 1-2 päivää, riippuen varastotilanteestamme. Toimitus tapahtuu postin, tai DPD:n välityksellä.


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