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Thoght you guys may want to know about the next asshole backstabber

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  • Thoght you guys may want to know about the next asshole backstabber

    in the pickup world. None other than Kris Klien, yes the guy who came here once upon a time asking lots of questions etc.. from everyone and is now on a bunch of different forums trying to dominate the PU world by taking cheap shots at various winders.
    His latest victim is Possum, he posted this over at the strat forum when A guy asked if anyone had heard of SD pickups. here you go:

    "I had a friend a about 6 months back who ordered one of his Possumcaster Tele pickups and he ended up waiting 4 months to take posession. It seems quite long IMO."

    This is his way of being on top of every person there that even thinks about buying a pickup. He lurks the PU section and is usually the first one to post a reply and I am betting he is also the first to send a PM offering his services. What a Douch Bag!!

  • #2


    • #3
      I just googled "Kris Klien pickup" and this post were first...


      • #4
        I get the feeling you guys couldn't give a crap less about this, until he craps on you. With butt heads like that around---Oh never mind, who cares really.....


        • #5
          Have a link?


          • #6

            It doesn't bother me, my pickups frequently take that long to get, I take my time and I always have a long waiting line and I do tell people up front that I don't guarantee a delivery date and I am telling them now that its a 8-12 wait and thats just a guess. He probably forgot to mention his friend loved the pickup or I would have heard back from the customer about it, as I have a guaranteed adjustment if they are unhappy. I always weed out the ones who have no patience up front and deal mostly with more mature customers who realize they are getting something Guitar Center doesn't sell :-) Take it from me if you have customers who are in a hurry they can be real difficult to deal with if things don't go as planned. In my business nothing goes as planned. I got that steel guitar rewind to do, they told me they were humbuckers which would have been an easy fix, so now I got two air coils to wind which take much longer, so everyone in line after him just had time added to the queue, its just how things go in a one person craftsman business :-) Let it drop......
            Stephens Design Pickups


            • #7
              Ok cool Possum I'll let it go...I wont post the link because the forum belongs to another big forum and I wouldn't want this guy to pull the same at the bigger forum. I did tell him off and told him dont put down other PU makers just to advance yourself.

              Actually I'll post the link anyway, we are adults here right?
              Pickup Forum - Fender Stratocaster Guitar Forum

              It's the first post. It could be a good little forum if it weren't for guys like him. I stay away from them. The only reason I saw this post was because someone else told me about it.


              • #8
                I wonder if he posted that comment because he hasn't got any business or something. It doesn't come across at all well when another pickup maker wades in on a topic like that. Very negative really.
                sigpic Dyed in the wool


                • #9
                  From the consumer perspective, I'd have to agree with Spence. Unseemly, even though it was a pretty mild comment. Funny how the very next post mentions this guy along with Lollar and Fralin.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by madialex View Post
                    Ok cool Possum I'll let it go...I wont post the link because the forum belongs to another big forum and I wouldn't want this guy to pull the same at the bigger forum. I did tell him off and told him dont put down other PU makers just to advance yourself.

                    Actually I'll post the link anyway, we are adults here right?
                    Pickup Forum - Fender Stratocaster Guitar Forum

                    It's the first post. It could be a good little forum if it weren't for guys like him. I stay away from them. The only reason I saw this post was because someone else told me about it.
                    I read it. Being a nominal competitor, he should have stayed out of it. Nor was he getting any traction. If anything, a backfire.


                    • #11
                      Unseemingly mild? and you taking it nicely Possum. "Daves a busy man with a good reputation and you may have to wait a bit." would be decent.
                      Just putting himself forward really. Hope he don't ask anything else here.


                      • #12
                        Unseemly, as in rude and not making a good impression. Does far more harm than good in terms of building a reputation.


                        • #13
                          My appologies Dave. I wasn't taking a bite at you, just Mr K. Seems to me the whole world is getting dog eat dog at the mo and knocking other people to better oneself has become the norm in some peoples eyes. I would prefer another world where people just help one another rather than try and get one up all the time.


                          • #14
                            No apology needed, just wanted to clarify what I meant.


                            • #15
                              I really didn't want to come off as petty about this but I take it personal when someone downs someone from this forum for their own gain. This is a close knit forum here and when someone runs off their trap about someone here I get a little irritated that's all.

