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stewmac bobbins and gibson spacing?

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  • stewmac bobbins and gibson spacing?

    Anyone know if stewmac bobbins will fit gibson spacing covers?
    Stephens Design Pickups

  • #2
    I bought 2 HB kits from stewmac... then I realized a simple thing: the have the same polepiece spacing.
    Isn't it a bad thing?
    Should I simply don't care of the differencies from neck and bridge position?
    Biarnel Liuteria
    Italian handmade guitars and basses


    • #3

      No its not a bad thing, early gibsons all had the same spacings, I only sell one spacing, where it really helps to have different spacing is on big archtop guitars, you see it alot there....
      Stephens Design Pickups


      • #4
        I tried a gibson BB cover on my stew mac bobbined pickup and it fitted ok , on another it was a bit looking for nice nickel covers Dave??


        • #5
          If we're talking 50mm Gibbo covers then yes they fit. I have them in my R7. But a 498T cover won't fit. So it depends on the Gibbo cover.


          • #6
            Yeah, I can also verify that 50 mm covers fit the SM HB kits.

            It’s a shame SM don't have covers that match the kits they sell, as they are an excellent source for starting out. I mailed them about it and the repose was "we cannot find covers that match"!!! I think that the real answer should have been “We cannot find cheap enough covers so that we can earn enough money on them”.


            • #7
              SM spacing

              Actually SM bobbins aren't 50mm I figured it out once when they sent me pole spacing specs on their bobbins, they are like 50.3 or something thats slightly over. You'll notice this if you use authentic spec pole screws the heads will bind some on the end holes, the metric screws you guys use fit fine though...
              Stephens Design Pickups


              • #8
                They are 50.3 . Gj is slightly off too. MAkes for the "cramped" look. Those metric threads.......eeeww.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Possum View Post
                  Actually SM bobbins aren't 50mm I figured it out once when they sent me pole spacing specs on their bobbins, they are like 50.3 or something thats slightly over. You'll notice this if you use authentic spec pole screws the heads will bind some on the end holes, the metric screws you guys use fit fine though...
                  In my case, I used large-head Gibbo fillisters from a 498T in my pickup and they line up perfectly. The cover I used is from a Classic 57. Perhaps the 57 cover isn't 50mm as I assumed? I don't have the ability to measure pole-piece spacing within .3mm so I can't confirm either way. Unfortunately my camera is busted so I can't post a pic either.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Possum View Post
                    No its not a bad thing, early gibsons all had the same spacings, I only sell one spacing, where it really helps to have different spacing is on big archtop guitars, you see it alot there....
                    Not just early Gibsons.. all the way up to the 80's. My '81 Paul with Shaws had the same spacing. And the set of covered DirtyFingers did too.

                    Do Gibsons come with different spacings now? I haven't looked closely at any in years.

                    I mean it sounds like a good idea, but the difference so small... even Fenders have the same spacing.

                    I'd do like you do and sell the same spacing. I got so tired of string spacing issues on various basses that I'm just using a blade now.
                    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                    • #11
                      Hey, Schwab. You got the web handle "Old Timer". LOL! I'm ith you bro!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PoorMan View Post
                        Hey, Schwab. You got the web handle "Old Timer". LOL! I'm ith you bro!
                        Hey I'm younger than Possum!
                        It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                        • #13
                          Everyone's younger than Possum!

                          (Waiting for a witty remark back my way)



                          • #14

                            fuck every god damn one of you..... ha :-)
                            I'm 57 and I imagine there must be someone here older than me, heck Lollar is 75 right? :-)

                            Actually some early PAFs DID have neck spaced pickups, that provide-net jerk bozo has a picture of one, they must be pretty rare though.....
                            Stephens Design Pickups


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Possum View Post
                              I'm 57 and I imagine there must be someone here older than me, heck Lollar is 75 right? :-)
                              For the record, I'm only 7 years behind you....
                              It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


