Originally posted by Possum
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Originally posted by Possum
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If you say "steel" with no other modifier to a metal merchant, you get either CRS or hot rolled steel, HRS. These both start as furnace melts of very much the same stuff, steel with less than 0.8% carbon. Hot rolled is - yep, rolled out to shape while it's hot. This lets it get put into shape while it's hot enough to not work-harden from the shaping. It typically has a thickish coating of black mill scale from being worked hot in air. CRS is poured and rolled to rough shape, then let cool. It's worked down to final shape in rolling mills, which roll it to its final shape. This work hardens the outside, so the finished piece has a hard skin and soft interior.
I was referring to hardness in the mechanical sense. But mechanical and electrical hardness are very tightly linked, because both depend on the internal grains being pinned in place by defects and distorted by either mechanical stress or magnetic stress.
You make steel softer both mechanically and magnetically by annealing it. Magnetic is not exactly the same as mechanically soft, so dead soft iron is good, but there are some heat treatments that can improve it.
In addition, it's better magnetically if you get the carbon out entirely. Electrical iron is iron with as close to zero carbon as it's simple to make, and up to 3-6% silicon instead. Getting the carbon out reduces pinning defects around the grains to harden it, and adding silicon runs the electrical resistance of the steel up so eddy current losses go way down. This stuff is what is use for transformers and motors. Even so, bending or stressing electrical iron hardens it magnetically. It is possible to read the changes in electrical iron in a transformer after dropping it on a concrete floor *once*.
Originally posted by Possum
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I bet Seth meant "low carbon steel", probably what we call "MS" for either mild steel, which I understand is a misnomer; to the steel industry, "MS" means Mild Steel. Same stuff.
Originally posted by Possum
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Originally posted by Possum
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I think what you want is a laser spectrometer test. This gadget zaps the surface of the sample with a laser, vaporizes a tiny bit, and reads the light spectrum of the glowing vapor. Each element glows differently, so it reads you out the elements in the sample.
Here's the rub - you have to do both, and maybe several hardness tests in different places.
Low carbon steel work hardens when you force it to bend past its elastic limit and hold a bend. That causes a noticeable loss in its maximum flux density (B) before saturation and an increase in its coercivity (H). It makes it a better permanent magnet, which makes it a poorer linear magnetic "conductor". So you need to know both the composition and where it's hardened. Shearing steel to shape work hardens it, and so does bending it.The hardening is local to the places where the work is done to it.
It is possible to soften steels by heating them to somewhat under melting, then cooling slowly. It *is* possible that the pole screws were batch softened in a furnace. There are heat-treat furnaces that could have had a few hundred to maybe a thousand screws in them for annealing; a furnace for up to about 1K screws at a time is cheap. In fact, I'm looking at buying a pottery kiln, which will do fine steel heat treating, used. They're for sale in my neck of the woods from free (Just get this thing outa my garage!!) to a few hundred.
Gibson could have done that. Probably not, sounds like a lot of trouble for the level of interest they've shown so far, but possible.
Originally posted by Possum
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However, that 3/16" rod from the hardware store is probably low carbon, CRS. You could anneal it to be much better than it is now.

Originally posted by Possum
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To read the B/H curve, you rig up a small sample of the material so you can pump ampere-turns through a winding and read voltage off either the same or another winding. Imagine having a hunk of that 3/16" rod from the hardware store. Drill a hole in the end, cut off a washer, wind two coils on the resulting washer. Drive one coil with an audio amp and use a resistor to sample the current that flows. Read voltage off the second winding. The voltage on the second winding happens to be proportional to the change in flux, and the change is obviously proportional to the max flux, even when it saturates. Run those two signals into an oscilloscope in X-Y mode and you're looking at the B/H curve.
That presents the idea that the B-H curve is a single line, possibly curved, where you put in one value of H, get out one value of B. Not so. In general, The BH curve is a loop. Force steel to saturation in one direction, let it relax. The B value coming down is different at each H value than going up. Every time you force it to higher and lower B, the area inside the loop is used up as heat - that's hysteresis loss. The wider the loop, the bigger the loss.
Soft magnetic materials have skinny loops, not much hysteresis. Hard materials, especially permanent magnets, the B stays really high when H goes to zero. These materials have an almost square B/H loop and you have to work like crazy to get them to flip back and forth. Magnetic hardness and permanence go hand in hand. Magnetically soft stuff is good for signal linearity; hard stuff gives you a field to generate signal.
Originally posted by Possum
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