So I wound up two 7-string humbuckers today (still waiting on the magnets before I put them together though) and noticed something strange. The bridge pickup I used 43 SPN on because I wanted it hotter than my 42 HF wire would have allowed (wouldn't have fit). But I then wound the neck pickup with the 42 HF because it would. I noticed something interesting, although this was my FIRST winding with SPN or 43 awg I found that this wire was MUCH easier to wind than HF?! I did the bridge pickup first and it went really well, but when I switched to the HF I noticed a different feel in the wire and had to be MUCH more careful about how tightly I gripped it or it would break. I ended up winding the first half of one coil THREE times because of this!
Has anyone else noticed that the feeling of HF coatings make it harder to wind with?
I used the coil estimator website to ballpark my winding numbers for the DCR I wanted. When I was done I compared winding count to actual achieved DCR and noticed that although in both cases my coils were closer to the "loose scatter" count on the estimator the HF was EVEN LOOSER than, while the SPN was tighter than. I think that also says something about what I was referring to above.
Sidenote: Should I be worried that all my windings are more around the "loose scatter" count on the coil estimator, than the "tight scatter"? Also, does this refer to how tight the wraps are (ie: had higher tension when winding?) or to the degree or scatter?
Has anyone else noticed that the feeling of HF coatings make it harder to wind with?
I used the coil estimator website to ballpark my winding numbers for the DCR I wanted. When I was done I compared winding count to actual achieved DCR and noticed that although in both cases my coils were closer to the "loose scatter" count on the estimator the HF was EVEN LOOSER than, while the SPN was tighter than. I think that also says something about what I was referring to above.
Sidenote: Should I be worried that all my windings are more around the "loose scatter" count on the coil estimator, than the "tight scatter"? Also, does this refer to how tight the wraps are (ie: had higher tension when winding?) or to the degree or scatter?