Arduino's are fun, I use their bootloader a lot for projects but just buy raw chip for projects now but I also have a PCB router.
I actually have been thinking about this a bit today, the reprap firmware should be usable with little to no change.
The reprap printer has an extruder which is "distance" based in the firmware so G00E1 where E is the extruder axis would move 1 "unit" that being mm in the 3D printing world but could be a revolution if you calibrated it that way.
the problem is that it wouldn't have support for G33 and G34 or the more complex look ahead codes.
Here is the firmware I use, you may want to look at it just for the improved IO handling they have look at the fastio.h
I'll start another thread about using EMC2/Mach3 I think it could be very very interesting.
I actually have been thinking about this a bit today, the reprap firmware should be usable with little to no change.
The reprap printer has an extruder which is "distance" based in the firmware so G00E1 where E is the extruder axis would move 1 "unit" that being mm in the 3D printing world but could be a revolution if you calibrated it that way.
the problem is that it wouldn't have support for G33 and G34 or the more complex look ahead codes.
Here is the firmware I use, you may want to look at it just for the improved IO handling they have look at the fastio.h
I'll start another thread about using EMC2/Mach3 I think it could be very very interesting.