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Ampeg svt-3 pro dies

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  • Ampeg svt-3 pro dies

    I got a SVT 3 PRO off ebay for a wit gator flght case. I had it for a year now my son played out @ the Stone Pony and it sounded great.
    Once it died I banged the top of the gator case it came back well it started happing more & more now I can't push the amp @
    all or it clips out a bang on the top it comes back. I have a clasic 4 10s cab I changed all the tubes last week still clips out.
    I found if I keep the Gain @10 & adjust the volume it doesnt clip as fast but my cliping lite strobs like crazy.
    I have owned 3 SVTs before kids I never had any problem. Does Ampeg suck now? this Pro 3 says made in USA is it?
    Does anyone know if there is a reliable fix for these amps? I just bought a SVT III non pro from Ebay to use as a backup.
    If I cant get a realible pro 3 whats my best bet in the stv line? I like the size of the pro 3s.
    I havent been up on this for about 20 yrs but my kid plays now.

  • #2
    My advice is fix what is wrong, and not look for a list of cures. It is easy to say solder is a problem, but if your amp has a bad solder joint on the power qamp in jack, and someone else has a bad solder joint on the resistor that makes +15v, what have we learned?

    Isolate the problem.

    Do you use both speaker jacks or just one? Does flexing the jack a little with some side to side pressure on the plug, does that affect the symptom?

    When it does this, plug the guitar or your signal source into the powr amp in jack. Still cut out, or is that stable?

    If that even cuts out, then check solder to the jack. There is a relay right behind the speaker jacks. With the lid off, when it cuts out, take a ball pen or a chopstick, and knock right on the roof of that relay. It might have shaky contacts.

    There are two tubes on the power amp board, wiggle them. ANy effect?

    On the power amp board there are several largish rectangular cement power resistors. Use your chopstick and poke each one. Any affect the symptom?

    If the amp is stable plugging into the power amp jack, try a spare cord plugged from preamp out to power amp in jacks. ANy help?

    Now plug a signal into the input jack out front. RUn a cord from the preamp out to the input of some other amp and speaker. SO we can listen to what is coming out of the preamp. Does that signal break up or is it stable? How about the tuner out jack and the line out, are they affected?

    Wait, I am assuming it is just the sound that dies. When the amp "dies," is it just the sound going away? Or does the power light go off too?
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      Speakon cable I know something is loose here thats why the bang works dies mean power off. I will take this to the ampeg tech by me. What I need to know is: Does Ampeg suck now? Is there a relible fix for this as my kid cant have a amp with any problem on stage. I always liked the svt line whats a good one new now?


      • #4
        Short answer: Ampeg does not suck. You bought a used amp on EBay, what did you expect? Even so, it worked perfectly for a year.
        Juan Manuel Fahey


        • #5
          Even Rolls Royce has a service department.
          Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


          • #6
            The amp is being serviced. Im 54 y/o I had a used 1970 something SVT that I abused for 10 yrs (Im talkin droped kicked) never had a problem never died I sold it in the 90s bought a new one in 92 had it till 98 never had a problem. You should nt have to have a back up if yer a kid just club gigin. If I had to get a RR (THAT I JUST PAYED GOOD $ FOR) serviced I d be very upset. What kinda comparison is that? Lets get some pride is things we endorse.


            • #7
              The comparison is that even the finest example of something the world can make doesn;t work 100% of the time.
              Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


              • #8
                I'm expecting it will be a relay issue, after that solders. Once it gets sorted, it will be reliable. A good tech will hand you back a blueprinted, hand assembled version that should be fine for years.

                I'm not a fan-boy for SLM, but just being fair, I don't see comparing a modern bass amp to the original SVT unless it also costs as much as a good used car.

                Part of the SVT reputation was its ability to function reasonably well despite faults that would cripple or kill a lesser amp. People rarely bring them in before half the power tubes and at least one preamp channel is out.

                In any case, the 3-Pro is not a troublesome piece. It does require maintenance like anything else. This one was bought used, then put in service for a year before showing any fault. Would you treat a car to that little maintenance and then be offended that it needs work.
                My rants, products, services and incoherent babblings on my blog.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JerseyJake View Post
                  You should nt have to have a back up if yer a kid just club gigin.
                  Sorry if this comes off rude but IMO you shouldn't have a SVT if "yer a kid just club gigin." I believe you should earn the right to good equipment through hard work, experience and knowledge. But I'm full of crazy theories, like you should make music for the fun of it and other such nonsense.


                  • #10
                    I believe the rest of that post describes many years of playing. How long you need to be on stage to earn the right to a good amp?
                    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Enzo View Post
                      How long you need to be on stage to earn the right to a good amp?
                      Rhetorical? In a blind attempt to answer it I would say:
                      "Enough to know what it is, enough to get the most out of it and enough to know its not needed."

                      That sounds good to me at 11:07 with the flu. We'll see what daylight does to it though.

                      EDIT: I don't confess to owning what most think of as 'a good amp'. Take from that what you will.
                      Last edited by antiunderscores; 06-12-2010, 01:04 PM. Reason: Now with more forced modesty!


                      • #12
                        My kid has earned the right to good equipment through hard work, experience and knowledge. He has
                        been gigin since 10 when he was a drummer. He is a lead gtr by trade ( he has too many gtrs and amps
                        to name here) he has been using a (used) 5150 now for 4 yrs all we ever did was change the tubes 2x the amps
                        or for that matter my amps never went because of faulty soidering. He just fills in on bass to help up and
                        comming bands and in his home stuido. He also has 3 years of theory hes 17 now. I can tell you have no
                        kids or money. Just alot of crazy theories. Have some pride in things you endorse Ampeg was made right here in NJ
                        till 1972. the svt is being repared by one the men who designed it and he makes a living fixing the ampegs made
                        by people who didnt care about quality.


                        • #13
                          Not disagreeing with you guys, but offering another point of view, I'd rephrase that into:
                          "good amplifiers don't deserve beginner owners"
                          As in the example above: Dad used ampegs flawlessly for many years, yet Junior blew it or whatever.
                          What I see all day long are beginners who ask me for solutions to "non-problems"
                          Some examples:
                          --That Bogner/Engl/JCM2000 is a P.O.S. , it makes my (on your knees, please !!) Strat '57 (Mexican "reissue") squeal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (get a "Metal Guitar)
                          -- That JCM800/900 is a P.O.S. , it sounds buzzy as a wasp´s nest (get out of the bedroom and use it at least on 6)
                          -- That VH140 is a P.O.S. , it burnt in an important show, I wasn't even playing loud, I plugged both outputs into the two jacks behind that 4x12" they had at the Club and it went off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. (never plug two amplifiers into the same cabinet ... unless it's bee specially wired for stereo)
                          Besides, my cousin who knows electronics repaired the fuse and now that P.O.S. started smoking and caught fire. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ahem!!! what fuse did you use?)
                          I'm sure the one ****** (insert guitar hero's name) gets is well built !!!!!!!!!!!

                          Just read Harmony Central reports, in every excellent piece of equipment review *somebody* (plainly a beginner) beats the hell out of it, and, to gain credibility, *always* ends with "my other amplifier is a Mesa Boogie" or something similar.
                          Yet a professional/experienced Musician gets excellent results out of regular equipment.
                          Oh well !! These kids keep the shop rolling, so I must
                          Every customer is an important and necessary one.
                          Juan Manuel Fahey


                          • #14
                            The God of Mods – Dennis Kager : The Tone King |

                            Listen to experenced people who know and stop making things up.
                            I would compare GTR amps to tools used in a trade not to cars come on think about it!

                            Thats all.


                            • #15
                              Listen, after 30+ years in the service business, I can drop a dime on EVERY manufacturer of gear. There is no such animal as something that doesn't eventually need service, period. I COULD pinpoint a few that I think are worse than others, but I can't do that publicly. Besides, we all know who they are.

                              Hey dude, if you "drop kicked an SVT", then you don't need an amp tech, you need a foot surgeon!!!
                              John R. Frondelli
                              dBm Pro Audio Services, New York, NY

                              "Mediocre is the new 'Good' "

