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concerning theory : purely resistive circuits and frequency.

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  • #31
    TQ, way back at the start, my only intent was that we know the CONTEXT of your question. That frequency CAN have an effect on the resistance of a circuit element at SOME high frequencies is only relevant here if it is within the context of guiitar amps. SO when i asked where you knew this from, I was not casting negatives at your thoughts, I was merely asking in what setting do you ask this?

    For example, making a printed circuit board for the UHF tuner in your TV set, they have to be careful not to make sharp right angle curves in the copper traces, because at those frequencies, a right engle bend in the copper acts like an inductor. But at audio frequencies, you can make all the little right angles you want. COntext matters. SO if you were to ask about the inductance of circuit board traces, unless you specified UHF frequencies, I would respond that there is no inductance to worry about, because it is assumed we are discussing guitar amps. Yes, the inductance exists, but only in contexts other than those we operate within.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #32
      now you are a psychiatrist as well ?

      [QUOTE=km6xz;271046]Juan, do you get the impression that we are witnessing a sad psychological breakdown or mental crisis occurring in words on our screens?

      He even misspelled his own nickname in several posts. Whew....
      I am always surprised when people using English as a second or third language are more familiar with common phrases, grammar and usage than many native speakers. Don't take it personally, after all this, he still has it wrong.
      From reading this bizarre thread, I note that only one person has made an attempt to use personal attacks and insulting comments.....and it was not you.[/QUOTE/

      As one who readily admits to giving up on America, and so choses to live in St. Petersburg your comments on my English grammer, spelling, etc., amount to so much smoke on a windy day. I have seen more poor spelling and grammer on this forum than anywhere else in my life. Much of it has been done executed by "old timers"
      and self touting "experts' with much more formal education than I posess. To top things off, you are now a psychiatrist, diagnosing my mental illness. If that isn't over-blown, over-the-top ego, I don't know what could be. Another issue, is that I now understand the questioned effect(skin effect) quite well for a layman. If you kave thoroughly read ALL of my comments, I
      cannot understand how you could have missed the admissions of error that I made. I admit to still being confused about the matter(especially when Steve Conner made the reply to my post telling me "flat out" that I was correct) but giving much more information, that I could not fully understand. I quickly did understand that in any case, the effect did not apply to my, or any audio situation. I re-phrased the question well before I got your advice to do so. This also makes me wonder about a "pick and choose" method of following a post. I started out , indeed taking it personally, but only because of the uncouth manner and lack of common manners of one (not you). Then I remembered
      that some people exist in this world seeming to have their sole purpose in life,to be an ocassion to lift themselves up, by putting others down. You have always treated me with
      good manners, and I believe good intentions. However, the post that I am now replying to, could have easily had the other guys name on it. You question my sanity, and then say "Don't take it personally". Stop for a minute and think about that." After all he still has it wrong." I don't have it either way. Electronics "experts" who definitely
      know more than I do are in disagreement. Even on this forum. Even on this very post. You gave up on America. I really don't blame you for doing so. I do have a problem
      with the fact that you were willing to give up your integrity, and your kindness in order to "stick with the clique", or perhaps theory, in your way of thinking is like religion or politics for so many. The mentioning of the misspelling my name was an amateurish cheap shot. this is not a spelling forum. I could cheap shot as well. How about this : You left the U.S. because you are just too intelligent to live here. Perhaps you did not get the proper credit that was OWED to you for your years of toil in the U.S.
      Maybe you are a closet Communist, who chose the right time to go to St.Petersburg because there could no longer be any concequences of doing so. Any fool can be a cheap shot man. Evidently, it's not always beneath the gifted of this world either. I also notice that you go to exteme in always expressing just how better folks in St. Petersburg
      are at English grammer, musical tastes, and even "the American Dream". Are you trying to convince me, or yourself. If you truly love something, you don't leave it only to "slip back" when it is your desire to "stir the pot". Don't bother to reply. I've started a list of those who's posts and replies I will never again read. It started with the "expert" who during my time on this forum, has only once posted in a non-derogatory fashion to me. That was when he found out that I had chosen to build a s.s. power amp kit which was the very one he uses(He must have been filled with GLORY to find this out). It continues with you, a man I once respected and never once thought badly of, about your re-location to St.Petersburg. The above was
      merely examples of how anyone could easily think. I still don't hold it against you, but as I said, you can continue to shoot your mouth off about this "debacle", or you can be a man and drop it. The choice is yours to make. I've made mine. Start a post about just how insane I am for all it will get you. You and JM havce been 100% effectively
      deleted from my existance, cares, or concerns. Good-bye and Best Wishes, tonequester. P.S. Please pardon the less than perfect form, after all, you have diagnosed me as suffering a mental breakdown before your very eyes. I'm too busy trying to put square pegs in a round hole for this crap. Finito !


      • #33
        tonequester here.

        I have zero problems with you in any way Enzo. You have been nothing but a help to me, and i'm sorry if you thought otherwise. I also apologize for your being dragged into such a debacle. I actually understood more than you might have thought on my first reply, but I did not know that the questioned effect was not applicable to audio frequencies. In looking for some validation of what I knew I had read on a number of ocassions, I slowly learned that the effect is real, but almost never truly applicable. I will say that those who have,
        led me to believe that the theory(and only the theory) does not exixts. I wouldn't have minded it at all, if I had been told that the theory is in dispute(even though it really isn't). I'm not about to get involved in that with intent to do so. However, I kind of got sucked into a pretty similar situation anyway. One thing I intend to make sure of, is that I don't learn someone's opinion as Gospel, and then find out later that it is not true. All of my life I've been told(on this forum as well) that I ask lots of hard to answer questions. I see nothing wrong with this, and will continue to do so. I'm not going to crap if I don't get the answer I suspect, an answer that I don't like, or even a wrong answer. I do, always try to verify, if it's complicated or sketchy.
        The people who have attacked me personally on this issue(I'm "throwing gas on the fire" for entertainment value.," I am having a psychological breakdown, meltdown before our screens"
        from a man who has no back-ground in mental illness diagnosis, and I could go on and on)are being cut-off in the manner I first should have used. I wil totally ignore their posts, and replies, to me and anybody else. they are bveing made non-entities. All of this personal attack goes against the rules of the forum as explained by the same people who now find it permissable to question my sanity in the music-forum section. Funny how those who are "full of themselves" have no problem breaking the rules. This thing will slowly die out as I say my final good-byes to those individuals, and make sure that they understand that they can't insult me when they don't exist to me. You are not on "my list' and I would always appreciate your advice and opinions. You are good at what you do because you know your S___ and because you are not egotictical. I believe that you have not forgotten that at one tome you were a "beginner".
        I hope you can understand me here, as I've just been accused of being a less than perfect speller on top of everything else. I must go now, and have a good cry !
        Thanks again Enzo. Have a great day ! tonequester.
        Last edited by tonequester; 08-14-2012, 07:06 PM. Reason: typo


        • #34

          You know what happens on the Internet? People whose tone of voice, facial expression, or hand gestures might permit what they say in normal conversation to be interpreted as playful, tongue in cheek, appropriately sarcastic, or even discouraged, can come across entirely differently when confined to words alone. People who have not been deliberately insulted or challenged can feel like they have. And people whom you would otherwise be happy to have as neighbour, co-worker, or seated beside you at a movie or concert, or sharing a drink with, can end up appearing like someone whom you wonder why they have not been murdered in their sleep already.

          So everybody, just PLEASE back away. Assume the best of intentions of each other, even if not the greatest verbal skill. Recognize that none of the other parties is in any favoured position to know you or your intentions by anything other than what you've written, and that, just as in your actual life, words on a screen can misconvey and be misinterpreted.

          So let's simmer down, put our angry words in a paper bag at the back of the cupboard, and carry on.

          I've been on this forum for something like 15 years, and seen too many of these explosions. Nobody needs them, and Steve/T-boy does not need to be fielding complaints from people, or allocating time to managing such things. He's good to us, so let's be good to him.

          Thank you for your cooperation.


          • #35
            tonequester here.

            I started this post, much to my regret. I will no longer participate in it in any way, shape, or form. Anyone who wishes to show their true character by continuing
            to make use of it for personlal attack, or to further inflate an abnormal ego may do so. I was warned that it is not proper forum propocol to use this part of the forum for personal
            reasons. Some of those who warned me, now do the exact same thing. The regret I speak of is merely that I did not completely cut-off those who wish to perpetuate negativity.
            As I said, I started the post, now I bring it to an end as far as I am concerned. I will no longer read it, and I will cetainly not respond. E-mail notifications concerning new replies to this post will be immediately deleted. For my part, I apologize for letting myself get upset about what has been said. As for any other post I might make, there are those who should easily figure out
            that in no way will I interact with them on any level. I figure this may still go on for some time. This will only, in the end, show who is so obsessed as to "beat a dead horse" so to speak.
            At that time, someone else's sanity may come under scrutiny. tonequester.

