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help with my twin reverb

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  • #31
    Originally posted by popoahi View Post
    I now know some bassman amps R really valuable?? so do I chk serial numbers on the power transformer or is there a easier/quick way to tell which models are what???

    and same for the fender precision bass guitar?
    The REALLY valuable bassman amps - are the ones with the gold bars stashed inside.

    Valuable amp secret code # stamped right on the back panel, on the right side. In case yours is one of the black- or silver-face 60's amps:

    Bassman AA864, AA165, AB165 (blackface)
    A00100 to A03800 - 1964
    A03800 to A15000 - 1965
    A15000 to A25000 - 1966
    A24000 to A33000 - 1967

    Bassman AB165, AC568, AA270, AA371 (silverface)
    A32000 to A40000 - 1967
    A39000 to A49000 - 1968
    A48000 to A58000 - 1969
    A58000 to A60000 - 1970

    You said you could read some remnant of this number on your Twin. Here's the Twin BF's code by year.

    Twin Reverb AA763, AB763 (blackface)
    A00100 to A01200 - 1964
    A01200 to A04300 - 1965
    A04300 to A07000 - 1966
    A07000 to A10400 - 1967

    Bass build date most often found stamped on the body end of the neck. Yes you have to take the neck off to read this, or get someone with x-ray vision. SOMEWHERE there must be a list of basses serial # by year so you won't have to unass that neck.
    This isn't the future I signed up for.


    • #32
      thanks Leo if its one of the valuable ones I'll give you one of the gold bars*

      don't tell me there are also valuable fender bass's? I guess like their strats and tele's there are choice models.....
      just looked up some at fender found jaguar, mustang, cabronita, fretless of course...
      why does the world hve to be so complicated?
      I had a white mustang long ago in the 60's and gave it away, my mistake?

      ok so can you tell me what I shud look for on this precision bass that comes with the bassman amp?



      • #33
        Originally posted by popoahi View Post
        ok so can you tell me what I shud look for on this precision bass that comes with the bassman amp?
        The collector item precisions (and jazz too) tend to be 1) in excellent condition and / or B) rare colors, extra points for matching color on face of headstock. There's also something to like about a well-worn precision too, as far as looks. Frets all ditched out, not so much.
        This isn't the future I signed up for.


        • #34
          What he said.

          And add that the Precision bass may be the most popular four string bass in rock and pop music. They hold their value well. And older is generally better. The only not so desirable Precision basses would be some 90's models that were cosmetically appointed (pickguard shape, slightly more pointed horns, glitzy colors, etc.) as an attempt to make the model more contemporary. It was a bad idea and people don't generally care for them.
          "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

          "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

          "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
          You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


          • #35
            aloha justin,

            thanks for all the info! I know nothing about bassmans... and no tweed,lol... got ya..

            I'll give it a good look but for the price I can't help but not buy this,,, standard P-bass or long as the neck is straight and stuff...
            but I really want that amp... I don't like the idea of playing bass on my TW...been playing it on my AC15 at low volume, doesn't sound
            like the spkr can take loud volumes so I don't want to screw up my spkr....?
            and I'm not even a bass player ... getting to really like it though....
            this yamaha bass I just got is my first so getting these fantastic lesson on youtube, lol...
            I don't even know what model bass it is as there are no model numbers on it, maybe if I unscrew the neck there might be something under there???
            I'm going to take it to the guitar shop and find out what model?... it is new however.... the owner was just in a bad place for $$$ and I got it
            with the PA system.....

            thanks, popoahi


            • #36
              Play the bass through the PA system for now and spare your AC15! Bass amps are pretty much just fancy PA amps with less inputs.
              "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

              "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

              "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
              You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


              • #37
                I think thats a good idea......when I tried to get some volume it sounded like I was screwing up my spkrs?

                hoping I can pick up the bassman amp asap? how are bass amps speakers wired to handle the low frequencies???

                are the paper cones thicker or is their life span very short? poor guyz!

                never want to be a conehead!


                • #38
                  well guyz, amp tech called while I was posting mssg to Leo that my TW is finished.... new AC power chord and a new power switch.... but the the main thing is that it's a real TW BF !!!
                  I have some photo's on my phone but when I try to send to the forum it says like invalid address?? anyway I'll figure it out..
                  when I pick up the amp tomorrow I'll post the numbers he wrote down...
                  the tech said; all the materials, matching numbers, the rest of the parts, and all his experience he guarantees this to be a genuine 60's TW BF...
                  I still dont know the exact year but hopefully we can figure it out with the numbers? he also did not recommend changing any other parts at this time..
                  just stoked I got a good deal and a great amp.. oh, the bill was $65.00 which I'm glad to pay..

                  until I get the numbers.


                  • #39
                    hey Chuck,

                    would the numbers be on the tube map like on my TW BF? mine was on the lower left of the cabinet, where it also said it was made in fullerton, CA..
                    I dont want to take out the power transformer to look at the numbers there... so where else or what other numbers could help me???
                    and would a 60's series amp made at fullerton be the best and so on down the line? I also learned that some models came with different features?


                    ps; I have this 16" AA sabian crash,, the most beautiful sounds you'd ever hear comes out from it!!! you can ride it, play the bell, everything...I've had
                    other same AA 16" but not the same....I've accumulated tons of cymbals but in reality I end up using just a few special ones....
                    but now I really watch how I crash it, use the right technique that won't crack it and easy on the volume.. if I ever crack this I'd be depressed for
                    a log, long time.. I also hve a precious 19" flat ride paiste with 3 rivets 2' from the edge.... being strictly a ride it doesn't see much abuse...
                    guess it's why we're cymbalholics....


                    • #40
                      You don't "take out" the transformer, you just look at it. Numbers should be stamped into its cover. Also look on any volume or tone or other control. If you see a number like 1377942, that is a date code. (I made the number up)
                      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                      • #41
                        There is likely some telling info on the tube chart. I think early amps will have the actual model number on the tube chart and later ones will have the name. A model number would be something like 6G6B or AA270 and a name would be something like Bassman 70 or Super Bassman. But yes, there should be something on that chart that gives the info for ID.

                        A description can often work too. Just looking at the amp you'll see if it's a head or combo, how many channels, how many tubes, what controls are on each channel, the switch functions (deep, bright, etc.) and the colors of the cosmetics. This would be more tedious but it could also work if the tube chart is missing (as they sometimes are).
                        "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

                        "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

                        "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
                        You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by popoahi View Post
                          ... been trying to get a vinyl cover for it and my twin reverb but nada, punched it in at MF
                          and nothing shows there too. wow short answer turned into a short history..
                          There are companies selling amp covers for everything on eBay. You should be able to get the twin reverb cover from Fender since they are selling the reissue.

                          Steve Ahola (no, not Aloha... Ahola)
                          The Blue Guitar
                          Some recordings:


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Enzo View Post
                            You don't "take out" the transformer...
                            You do if you want to get lucky tonight!
                            Happy New Year!

                            The Blue Guitar
                            Some recordings:


                            • #44

                              here's some numbers from the TR BF...
                              choke-A #022921 and next to it 11A606-034

                              output-stamped into metal FENDER on one side,,,otherside say's SAYO Fender - 013691 AND E1A606-034 ------ you guys know what is "SAYO"???

                              main transformer- A013692 and E1A606-139 ,,and UL1411 stamped into metal. seems numbers on each trans are closely or like matched like E1A606-034 and -E1A606-139.... that must be a good sign?

                              on side of chassis- 11 1/T 409 T-10 the T-10 is inked.

                              back of chassis-F090812 stamped and inked- U854 T-10

                              other side of chassis- sticker F090912

                              upper right side of chassis looking in to the small tubes and by the reverb plugs T-40 stamped ink and U854 in stamped black ink....

                              the amp tech believes this is genuine oldie,,, he said heard that there are re-issued amps that are made to look old but to him mine isn't ...
                              anyhow it sounds real good and that's alright by me....the tech and the guitar store both believe this is a early 60's amp???
                              I guess at this point it doesn't matter since it's mine anyway....

                              when I try to send pic's to the it doesn't work??? there must be a email address I can send pic's to???

                              aloha, popoahi


                              • #45
                                I forgot to ask what does pulling out the master volume knob suppose to do???

                                when I use this push/pull master volume switch it doesn't seem to make a difference in sound output..
                                maybe when I'm playing on the vibrato side it seems to change the sound a tiny amount but it's probably just my imagination??

                                and where can I find the piece that goes across the back of the amp that's held on with 2 screws on each side?


