Hmmm. That's interesting. I just measured it and it takes almost a full mS to get to 6 volts. This is after a full recap. So I don't think its the reservoir cap, BUT I did replace the tantalum bypass caps for the regulators (C70-C73) with electrolytic's for some unknown reason. Maybe those bad boys are slowing the DC down too much and I need to get tantalum's back in there? I also bumped the reservoir cap up to 63V, but I wouldn't think that would make that much of a difference.
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Moog Opus 3 Multivibrator needs a kick start to start
If supply rise time is critical, C56 the decoupler at U15 is worth a try (if you haven't already replaced it).
edit: sorry, I see the bypass cap was already covered in posts # 9 & 11Last edited by g1; 09-02-2022, 04:59 PM.Originally posted by EnzoI have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."
No other ideas unfortunately. Not trying to 'offload' you but there may be people more familiar with this unit at the moogmusic forum. There have been some specific opus 3 repair threads in the 'moog music general topics' section and there are some techs that are specializing in vintage moogs. It might be worth a try.Originally posted by EnzoI have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."