I was searching for some audio transformer formulas when I came across this blog post:
It states:
"Those in the vacuum tube/valve amplifier game, particularly in Australia, will probably have heard of Patrick Turner. His site turneraudio.com.au was full of information and an often-cited reference for many, written in a style that was uniquely Patrick’s..
...I had some conversations with Patrick in 2018/19 and during that time, he implored me to take a copy of his site, as he was not sure how long he had left (he was elderly and in poor health, a subject which he wrote about on his site as lucidly as though it was a broken radio that needed diagnosing and fixing!)
Patrick died in May 2021; his site is offline now."
I remember bookmarking the turneraudio.com.au site several years ago as soon as I found it. It was packed full of no-bullshit tube and audio transformer technical information, and was such a great resource.
I was truly saddened by the news of his passing. The owner of "atrad-audio.co.nz" is gracious enough to host a scrape of the entire turneraudio site to keep the information archive alive as a tribute. Here is the new link:
It states:
"Those in the vacuum tube/valve amplifier game, particularly in Australia, will probably have heard of Patrick Turner. His site turneraudio.com.au was full of information and an often-cited reference for many, written in a style that was uniquely Patrick’s..
...I had some conversations with Patrick in 2018/19 and during that time, he implored me to take a copy of his site, as he was not sure how long he had left (he was elderly and in poor health, a subject which he wrote about on his site as lucidly as though it was a broken radio that needed diagnosing and fixing!)
Patrick died in May 2021; his site is offline now."
I remember bookmarking the turneraudio.com.au site several years ago as soon as I found it. It was packed full of no-bullshit tube and audio transformer technical information, and was such a great resource.
I was truly saddened by the news of his passing. The owner of "atrad-audio.co.nz" is gracious enough to host a scrape of the entire turneraudio site to keep the information archive alive as a tribute. Here is the new link: