Electric Guitar Amplifier Handbook Fourth Edition
by Jack Darr (Author)
Jack Darr's Electric Guitar Amplifier Handbook details the following: How guitar amplifiers work. How to make amp repairs properly and safely. How to troubleshoot tube and transistor amps of all sizes. Details on "typical" amp circuits And much more! Whether you're an audio engineer or a musician with a thirst for knowledge, you will find the explanations in this book easy to comprehend as long as you have a general interest in electronics and a passion for DIY. This is a new reprint of the fourth edition, originally published in 1973. Contains three sections, 'How Guitars Work', 'Service Procedures and Techniques', and 'Commercial Instrument Amplifiers.' Everything you need to know about how each part of the amp works and what to do about it if it doesn't work. The final section of the Handbook is full of schematics for many of the guitar amplifiers in use at the time including models from Ampeg, Bogen, Baldwin, Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, and others. Line drawings and photos.
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