New Month We are at $74.35 this month in Donations.Please consider making a donation. :)
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
yeah, I've sen this before too. I think it might be about paying rent on his web site. And I think one time he found a diferent server to live on.
Meanwhile I am computer ignorant, but I know there are these snapshots of the web sorts of places where sometimes you can find web sites recorded when they no longer exist in real time. SOmething like that. And wonfer if they would work for this?
Internet archives they are called, here is one, and I just went back to a 2008 archive and picked a random Fender schematic as a test, and there it all was.
My / have a ton of storage space I don't use.
I think I have >8gig avalable and only using 200meg or so. I could store some of the real gems and hard to get ones on my site.
It pays for itself more or less so its no big deal.
Thanks Enzo & Gtr Tech for posting the link to the mirror site. I tried going to the mirror site earlier today b-4 I posted here, the mirror-site came up but when I tried to click on the schematics, I got a blank page with a message for site owner to contact website host with "Info Unavailable" where the schematics are. Seems to be working now As I just checked again. Thanks again for the mirror site link! Hope it continues to work in the future.