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I was actually just after a regular schematic, rather than the DPR specifically... But I ran a patent search anyway... link is: Espacenet - Bibliographic data
for the OP and any who are interested, HOWEVER... there seems to be a mix up, all the graphs and text relate to DPR, but the schem for the patent is their ISF circuit...
for the OP and any who are interested, HOWEVER... there seems to be a mix up, all the graphs and text relate to DPR, but the schem for the patent is their ISF circuit...
There are at least two patent application documents for it; one with incorrect images, one with correct ones. Search a minute more.
In all it's glory the bare essence of the circuit is:
- Screen voltage regulator (instead of B+)
- Dual potentiometer, one half adjusting VVR voltage the other input sensitivity of the power amp so that overdrive threshold remains constant despite the voltage setting
- Bias servo monitoring the VVR output and adjusting bias accordingly