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Blackstar Series One 45

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  • Blackstar Series One 45

    More specifically the built-in DPR power reduction part of the diagram.

  • #2
    Also interested.


    • #3
      They applied a patent for it so run a UK patent search. The application has the schematic.


      • #4
        I was actually just after a regular schematic, rather than the DPR specifically... But I ran a patent search anyway... link is: Espacenet - Bibliographic data

        for the OP and any who are interested, HOWEVER... there seems to be a mix up, all the graphs and text relate to DPR, but the schem for the patent is their ISF circuit...


        • #5
          Originally posted by bassetrox View Post
          for the OP and any who are interested, HOWEVER... there seems to be a mix up, all the graphs and text relate to DPR, but the schem for the patent is their ISF circuit...
          There are at least two patent application documents for it; one with incorrect images, one with correct ones. Search a minute more.

          In all it's glory the bare essence of the circuit is:
          - Screen voltage regulator (instead of B+)
          - Dual potentiometer, one half adjusting VVR voltage the other input sensitivity of the power amp so that overdrive threshold remains constant despite the voltage setting
          - Bias servo monitoring the VVR output and adjusting bias accordingly

