I would imagine when Mr Duncan started making pickups people said he couldn't be taken as seriously as the giants on whose shoulders he was standing. He has proven himself I would say. How much research he did in those days only he can answer. But I suspect he read a lot of stuff and asked people who knew the answers.
No one on this forum has done everything by themselves. We all owe some of our knowledge to others who were kind enough to share information that they absolutely didn't have to. Being a privileged recipient of someone else's knowledge isn't research. Observation isn't really research either.
I owe a great deal of what I know about the details of vintage Fender and Gibson pickups to a very generous, kindly and unselfish, mild mannered friend who really does know all this stuff.
No one on this forum has done everything by themselves. We all owe some of our knowledge to others who were kind enough to share information that they absolutely didn't have to. Being a privileged recipient of someone else's knowledge isn't research. Observation isn't really research either.
I owe a great deal of what I know about the details of vintage Fender and Gibson pickups to a very generous, kindly and unselfish, mild mannered friend who really does know all this stuff.