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Behringer Sl2442 fx pro main output dead meter lights all the way up with no signal

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  • Behringer Sl2442 fx pro main output dead meter lights all the way up with no signal

    The title says it all.
    My main out's are not working and the meter lights are all of the way up like a metered channel is clipping.
    Nothing is obviously broken or burnt up. This board is gigantic i don't know where to start.

  • #2
    Start at the power supply.
    You can check it on any 8 pin ic.
    Pin 4 is -Vdc
    Pin 8 is +Vdc.
    Look for stability & no Vac riding on it.
    If that is good go to the output section of the board.
    Look for any unwanted Vdc on the outpin pins of the ic's.
    Pin 1 & pin 7.
    Last edited by Jazz P Bass; 01-28-2012, 02:04 AM.


    • #3
      When the VUs max themselves and all the channel peak lights are on, it almost always means you are missing one of the power supply voltages.

      I forget on that one, 17v supplies for the op amps? See if -17v is gone.

      As Jazz said, start at the power supply.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #4
        As the others mentioned, you will probably find that one of the 15volt rails, + or - is down. That could be a cause or a symptom of the real problem. A power supply problem, just not being able to source the current needed due to a regular IC or rectifier being open. Or it could be the power supply being overloaded by a short in the rest of the mixer, probably a shorted opamp IC. If the former, the power supply, is at fault the circuit is simple and easy to repair. If it is one of the rails being shorted in one of the many subsections of the mixer, the problem will still be simple but harder to find. It is harder to find because so many parts are connected across the same power supply rail so any one of them could be shorted.
        What test equipment and experience with troubleshooting to you have?


        • #5
          Thankyou, you were all right on. Why are there no schematics on this board anywhere? So difficult


          • #6
            Behringer requires us as service centers to sign a non-disclosure agreement that we will not distribute their schematics or other technical documents. Schematics do leak out, and many are on the web somewhere. Elektrotanya seems to have a bunch. And often on a google search, the results you want won;t appear until like page 5 or 6.
            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


            • #7
              enzo how are you my behringer sl2442fx bliking light effect and led meter bliking ic 34,39,44 all ready replace but same problem


              • #8
                I would advise that you check the power supply voltages.

                Typically, blinking led's indicates a loss at one of the 15 volt supplies.



                • #9
                  thank you very much to advise jazz but the power supply is brand new im order to service center to manila but sound is good no problem. only my problem is effect light is blinking and led meter.

