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  • #61
    I was talking with Sam Lee Guy earlier about knocking up a Heath Lobinson machine to make stlipes funny enough.
    sigpic Dyed in the wool


    • #62
      Originally posted by SkinnyWire View Post
      I'm not sure I understand what you're describing here in terms of "fold". Are you saying one could get Holmes-like quality by punching and folding/soldering nickel sheet? Never thought of that, but it seems like it'd be difficult to get a really good finish at the corners.

      I've read through some of the descriptions here on "deep drawing", but that seems to be full of it's own challenges too. Damned frustrating though having suppliers just shut down for one reason or another. I'm not a big fan of using covers to begin with, but if folks want them I'd like to provide the best quality I can.
      Thats totally understandable wanting nice material....and the guys making them are sure asking a hefty price to begin with....


      • #63
        Originally posted by chevalij View Post
        Why would you punch before the fold? It would make sense to do it later and eliminate any distortion that could be caused by the fold....
        Why you ask???? Punching the holes befor the fold can help in location and shearing the bottm off to proper length as well. Getting the material to size with just enough is a battle too. You really don't want to waste too much. There are some really nice ideas floating around the net too.
        Slowly but surely...I'm learning- I'm no expert by any means, but I got balls to try some different methods and such often going back to the saying " You gotta do it yourself"
        Honestly I've went to companys with $1,000's in hand and still got the run around B/s. Its within your grasp too if you want to do it. Hell, I have no problem buying them either, but often the quality being sold from the "Big 3" is less than standard and I think they are actually rejected from other companys....Who knows thats pure speculation but sometimes quality speaks for itself....


        • #64
          Originally posted by Possum View Post
          Wade thanks for the card by the way.

          Easy? I think not, I remember Andy C. when he got his company into trying to make their own covers, I think he tore out all his hair in the process, I'm not so sure they are making their own covers or shopped them out of Korea or some place that already makes them.

          If you're making yours maybe you could take some photos of the die and your press, I'd be interested in learning to do this, but don't want to repeat my experience with the lathe project :-) and spend a bunch of money only to find out I can't really do what I want to do. BTW I got the Holmes covers from Ebay today in the mail, they are faultless, crisp edged, just super nice, totally flat on all sides. If Tom is making his own I would think anyone could also, but don't forget that Tom worked in that industry and knows that stuff inside and about all I know is how to use a garlic press real well :-)
          Your welcome. Hope you and the misses had a great safe holiday : )

          I'm a green horn with this topic Dave, and have been actually testing different ways to do things with less than perfect results. I've taken some ideals from around the net and have actually tryed different things and methods. Sometimes I feel really good that at least I'm trying different ideas and methods. I really can't reason spending money on nothing but learning right now. There is a few classes around town as well that I'm looking into.100% Made In America is a strong title.
          Pertaining to the thread, lets all root for the new guy- We all know getting perfect parts with any consistency has been a hair puller for all of us- There's room for everyone and certainly there could'nt be too many parts on the market. Check you P.m Dave....


          • #65
            Originally posted by NightWinder View Post
            Thats totally understandable wanting nice material....and the guys making them are sure asking a hefty price to begin with....
            I've often thought one of those 10 Ton or better hydraulic presses like you see in the Harbor Freight catalog might be a place to start, but I have zero experience with such things. I've made my own keepers and I cut my own spacers ... and I can even imagine bending my own frames and turning my own slugs. Making covers and injection molded bobbins seems a bit above "garage" stuff, though I'd think the covers might be in that realm with a little creativity.

            If Montreux can come through here it'd be nice. I'd much rather focus on winding. I'd asked before about Jim Wagner, but no one has said if he's still planning to sell parts. Seems like one or two guys here know everybody, so?
            Last edited by SkinnyWire; 01-14-2008, 12:33 PM.


            • #66
              P90 metal covers...

              I'm looking for N/S or even brass (maybe) P90 soap bar covers if anyone has ever run across such a thing....
              Stephens Design Pickups


              • #67
                Originally posted by Possum View Post
                I'm looking for N/S or even brass (maybe) P90 soap bar covers if anyone has ever run across such a thing....
                Guitar Jones


                • #68

                  Do you mean the mini humbucker undrilled covers? Are they the same size as soap bar covers????
                  Stephens Design Pickups


                  • #69
                    They're listed under the P90 parts. They have dogear, and soapbar chrome shown. 6 bucks ea. linky

                    I don't know if they're brass or NS.
                    Last edited by John_H; 01-15-2008, 01:29 AM. Reason: added link


                    • #70

                      yeah but they are not soap bars, thats what I'm looking for, I wonder if the mini will fit a P90 bobbin....
                      Stephens Design Pickups


                      • #71

                        Originally posted by John_H View Post
                        They're listed under the P90 parts. They have dogear, and soapbar chrome shown. 6 bucks ea. linky

                        I don't know if they're brass or NS.
                        ...just transferring wire from one spool to another
                        Stan Hinesley Pickups


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by SkinnyWire View Post
                          Without resorting to the search tool, does anyone know how Tom Holmes goes about getting his covers and bobbins, etc., manufactured?

                          I really like Andrew's covers and keepers, but he's not answering my e-mails and I believe I read he's not selling parts anymore. I've received samples from a couple of machinists for keepers - one very high quality but a little too expensive per part and the other sending a second batch of 25 for me to inspect with the promise of a couple hundred more if I like them. If it works out, I'll get my keepers that way.

                          I'm not adverse to investing profits from my business for setup fees, but what little poking into it I've done mainly gets the cold shoulder since I'm not a huge concern.

                          I thought Jim Wagner was going to start producing/selling parts at one point, but haven't heard much about it lately and that info doesn't seem to be on his new website. Anyone know the status of that?
                          Anyone hear from Andrew lately?
                          Jim tells me that he's 8-12 weeks away from covers and baseplates for buckers and could get the bobbin moulds done fairly soon. He's been very busy with preparations for NAMM lately.
                          sigpic Dyed in the wool


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Spence View Post
                            Jim tells me that he's 8-12 weeks away from covers and baseplates for buckers and could get the bobbin moulds done fairly soon. He's been very busy with preparations for NAMM lately.
                            Thanks for the update!


                            • #74
                              price lists and photos

                              Dear, sirs

                              Finally I will upload price lists and photos in somewhere by the end of next week. Really sorry to delay...
                              Right now I don't have any inventory, but I've already placed almost parts order already. Can I gather orders from everybody from Jan 28th (Mon) ?

                              I'm also looking for Dogear metal covers (even made by brass), but never found yet.

                              Does somebody know who is making Fender USA 5 strings P-bass pickups ?
                              Maybe 2004 model and split style like regular P-bass.
                              One bobbin is for 1st to 3rd strings and the other is for 4th and 5th strings.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Montreux View Post
                                Dear, sirs

                                Finally I will upload price lists and photos in somewhere by the end of next week. Really sorry to delay...
                                Right now I don't have any inventory, but I've already placed almost parts order already. Can I gather orders from everybody from Jan 28th (Mon) ?

                                I'm also looking for Dogear metal covers (even made by brass), but never found yet.

                                Does somebody know who is making Fender USA 5 strings P-bass pickups ?
                                Maybe 2004 model and split style like regular P-bass.
                                One bobbin is for 1st to 3rd strings and the other is for 4th and 5th strings.
                                Montreaux. Thats's not the way it works. All of us need to see the parts you will be stocking and selling before we start placing orders. How else are we supposed to know that the parts are good enough or appropriate?
                                sigpic Dyed in the wool

