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102 results in 0.0054 seconds.
Digitech PDS 8000 Echo Plus 2 and 1/2 second issue
The pedal works perfectly in 8 second mode. However, when I switch to 2 or 1/2, the effect doesn't work. When it kicks in, it basically doubles the signal...
Boss ME-10 240V conversion
Is there any way to convert a Boss ME-10 to run on 240V without having to use a step-down converter or replace the internal transformer?
Mooer Red Truck
Customer brought in a Mooer Red Truck pedal that is confusing the hell out of me. Mooer hasn't been very helpful and has not provided a schematic. The pedal...
Digitech PDS 8000 & 20/20 issues
I have a Digitech PDS 8000 and a 20/20 and both are really grinding me. Neither work properly. Each have had the electrolytic capacitors changed. The 8000...
OHM CFU-A4 Power Amp
Looking for schematic/service manual for OHM CFU-A4 power amp - one channel is not working...
Ibanez AD-80 repair
I've been pulling my hair for some time on this vintage Ibanez AD-80. Originally it created the effect, but the effect would die off after maybe 30 seconds....
Digitech WH-1 problem
Anybody have experience with dead WH-1s? I have one that doesn't function or light the LED. The photocoupler LED inside the pedal does light up, and I believe...
Boss PS-2 schematic
Anybody have a schematic for a Boss PS-2? I have a really bad volume drop for the delays, while the pitch shifting section is fine....
18V Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus gate problem
I have an 18v Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus pedal where the effect works for a few seconds and then stops "effecting" as if a gate is switched on....
RP701 Roland piano service manual
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Selmer PA100 solid state
Please does anyone have a schematic for this unit? I can only find the valve versions, not the solid state one. It's this one - https://www.vintagehofner...
Ibanez TS9B Schematic
Anybody have a schematic or a trace diagram of the Ibanez TS9B Bass Screamer?...
Zoom 9050 schematics
Anybody have the schematic for a Zoom 9050? I'm getting all sorts of artifacts and noise through some effects even though I swapped the caps on the analog...
One Control Anodized Brown IC
Anybody happen to know what IC the One Control Anodized Brown distortion pedal uses? I'm getting a high squeal after 12 o'clock on the gain and the IC is...
Marshall Code 25 Schematic
Hi guys,
My Code 25 amps has an issue, as after some minutes after power on (working out loud as normal), then it automatically going in silent....
Maestro G-2 Echo issue
Maestro G-2. What blends the Echo/Repeat function to the audio signal? I'm not getting the repeats, but when engaged the audio becomes a bit louder and...
Interesting Boss GE-10 issue
Got a weird one here with a Boss GE-10. Pedal functions normally, except the input level switch works but audibly doesn't change anything. Probed points...
Reticon SAD1024 & R5101 daughterboard conversion
Anybody have some information on replacements and conversions for a SAD1024 and an R5101? I don't believe there are any pin-for-pin drop-ins, but are there...
Arion SCO-1 schematic
Anybody have the schematics for the Arion SCO-1 Stereo Compressor pedal? TIA.
Matamp gt120MV schematic needed
Hello everyone! I`m making a tube amp for my graduation work and I decided to make a Matamp based one. I only found schematics for the non-master volume version...